[u][b]TERRANOVA CHARACTERS[/b][/u] [hider=XAVIER ROY TOSELL] [center][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/29/5c/a0/295ca0ce8fd8afab7fcd1b0e97c95b3f.jpg[/img] [h2] Xavier Roy Tosell | 27 | Geneticist [/h2][/center] After one too many times of co-workers pronouncing his name wrong, Xavier started to go by his middle name instead. Roy was a talented student, and he took to his work easily. Despite his skill, there was always someone better, someone with more connections, more money that prevented him from securing his family a better life in Terra Nova. His father went missing one day early in his life, and his sister died due to a faulty rebreather and the untimely dumping of illegal vaporized chemicals. Thus his family shrunk to himself and his mother, who was often out working in South America, Africa, or Central Asia discovering the rare undiscovered species still surviving in viciously protected rain forests. It was through her that his family was secured the prestige needed to win a trip through the portal. [/hider] [hr] [hider=THEODORE DYLAN SCOTT] [center][img]https://my-hit.org/storage/1440520_500x800x250.jpg[/img] [h2] Theodore Dylan Scott | 20 | Physician's Apprentice [/h2][/center] Theo grew up in the heart of LA, living it up as a rich kid. His parents were smart and compassionate people, and they funded many expeditions and studies into ways of saving Earth. They often met with a woman who frequently explored what was left of Earth's life, befriending her and babysitting her children. During a particularly violent protest in the city, Theo and sister Victoria were pulled into the fight by their friends. They managed to escape, but the police cameras captured their faces and their names were marked down. Three days later the city experienced a number of 'radical protester' bombings, coincidentally the only casualties were the vocal protesters causing the police problems. Theo barely escaped the fire that consumed his home, his parents and sister were not so lucky. While accusations were thrown at the government about assassinations, his parents' friend won a ticket for her family to Terra Nova. Theo could never thank her enough for filing for adoption and allowing him to come with her and her older son. [/hider]