[b][u]SECRETS TO KEEP CHARACTERS[/u][/b] [hider=JORDAN RADCLIFF] [center][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/7eda7f60368b2bf51dc648ef0bccfe45/tumblr_mnyo31YHoj1rdwl96o1_500.png[/img] [h2] Jordan Radcliff | 17 | High School Student (Junior/11th Grader) [/h2][/center] Jordan grew up in Los Angeles. His mother, Maria, moved there from Tarragona, Spain and his father, Richard, moved there from Brightwood at a young age. Jordan experienced the world with an open mind, an odd ability to make friends out of anyone, and a heart born for adventure. After fifteen years in the city of his birth, Richard Radcliff was in a car accident. With a history of alcohol abuse and domestic violence, the man was far from missed. Maria Radcliff and her son then moved north to Brightwood, Washington to be with Jordan's grandparents. They were kind people, but they were old fashioned and their views clashed often with Jordan's. Having finished middle school in LA, Jordan started high school as a freshman and quickly tried to befriend everyone. Coming from a big city to a small town was a difficult experience, where before no one had seemed to know anyone, now everyone knew everyone. Befriending the entire student body proved to be an impossible and frustrating endeavor. Everyone seemed to have a rival, and all too often the teens had values that clashed with Jordan's ideals much like the problem with his grandparents. [/hider] [hr] [hider=BENJAMIN CLEVELEY] [center][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/2a0ab7b95b22ae96e9835842cec1c03e/tumblr_mn05axO56u1srpnopo1_500.jpg[/img] [h2] Benjamin Cleveley | 16 | High School Student (Junior/11th Grader) [/h2][/center] Ben has always hovered somewhere between the classifications of nerdy and cool. He was smart and made excellent grades, but he was attractive enough that a few of the cool crowd acknowledged him. He always struggled to downplay his intellect and play up anything that made him seem cool in an effort to fully become a part of the popular crowd, but no matter what he did he never quite made the impression he wanted to. However, this year he started on the Lacrosse team and seemed to finally be making more progress. Now getting invites to parties and sitting with the right people at lunch, Ben has got wish and has begun settling into the popular crowd. [/hider]