[b][u]OF TWO EVILS CHARACTERS[/u][/b] [hider=TRISTAN IGNATIUS DESIDERA] [center][img]http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2430/3950923783_9d8a765408.jpg[/img] [h2] Tristan Ignatius Desidera | 19 | Fourth in line of the Crown [/h2][/center] Tristan is the only son of Corin Desidera, Teyrn of Seglow, and Addica Zade, former Captain of Glim Watch. His early life was spent swamped in education, an endless stream of tutors and instructors. Everything from weaponry to painting, horseback riding to languages, instruments to mathematics. It was immediately noticed he was smart, when fighting he used tricks and traps, and when faced with complications he demonstrated excellent problem solving. His father was still disappointed to learn his son disliked fighting, and all weapons in general. Now Tristan is plunged into court politics, leaving his father's lands to study in the king's castle. He is one of many bracing for the worst as tensions begin rising. Even as all eyes turn outwards, Tristan is wary of the many whispers drifting about the castle. [/hider] [hr] [hider=CADE OF DIMWOOD] [center][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/aa1cd3259cee1f43c63ab7322dd970ea/tumblr_mod0ntzihg1rbucr9o1_500.jpg[/img] [h2] Cade | 27 | Warlock of Dimwood [/h2][/center] Cade was born to a large family in the village of Dimwood, but it was not just a family, more of a cult. Even in the womb, Cade and his brothers and sisters were steeped in magic. They learned their first spell before they'd even finished learning to read and write. Their magic was not always nice, but neither was it always evil. The Witches of Dimwood are well known for their uncertain nature, they are just as likely to break your bones as they are to mend them. Cade is no different, serving only himself and his family and not hesitating to wield magic as his tool. When one night Dimwood is suddenly set alight, the Witches' reclusive nature saves their lives. By building their home in the woods away from the village they escape the fate of the town. Afraid and without a source to buy supplies from, many of Cade's family leave. Cade himself heads north, leaving the ashes of Dimwood at the southern mountains and trekking into the heart of the kingdom. [/hider]