[b][color=662d91]After a few minutes,[/color][/b][hider= Morticia continued on] [b][color=92278f] “I am ok now. At the trial, we were handcuffed, shackled together with a chain going through the leg rings. Females in one line, males in a second line. By then I was very undernourished but my mind was not yet affected by the treatment that we received. We were convicted of being traitors to The Sanctuary Village and to Vampires in general. I remember Judge Bloodlight’s words to this very day. ‘I have heard from each accused. I have listened to the witnesses. I have listened to the recommendations of the Jury of Peers. Now I must sentence those who have not repented of their charges. Grave charges of traitorism of our very own race. Each of you has had the chance to repent and have been counseled in why we do what we do. You have argued and argued which leaves me no choice but to sentence you to Death by Sunlight. Tonight you will be placed in an iron cage. Females in one. Males in another. You will be sent out just before sunrise. The distance between the two cages shall be 13 feet. Take the prisoners to their cages and locked them up. All may mock them but none may do any harm at all to them. They are to be in decent condition to face their punishment. So says the reigning Judge Bloodlight.’ Then the Death Rap was sounded and it rang and rang. For a full thirteen minutes it rang……. We were taken back to the jail cells, given our last meal of sheep blood. I can not abide sheep blood to this very day. On the next day we were taken out of our cells, handcuffed tightly and shackled with a chain linking us together. We were literally marched from the court through the town and own this path to the Site of the Torture of the Sun. Villagers mocked us as they took their picnic baskets to the site. They told the young children that if they were bad this would happen to them. Most of them cried in fear which was what the adults wanted. The chain that linked us together was taken off then the shackles, lastly the handcuffs just before we were literally shoved into the iron box that you see before you. Adults were cheering and jeering and threw animal entrails at us. A bull was brought in and its neck was sliced and it was left to bleed into a cement bowl between the two cages so that we could smell the blood. By now most of us were pleading for our lives and those who begged for a second chance were told that they had more than two chances…… As the rays of light crept over the horizon, the villagers left. Few of us were delirious from lack of nourishment or insanity. As the day progressed it became worse and worse. I took cover under a few bodies to keep the sun off of me. I drank the blood of those who died around me in hopes that I would be spared. I knew that if we survived we would be turned loose to find a new home somewhere.”[/color][/b][/hider] [b][color=662d91]Morticia ended at the scene of the punishment she had received. [/color][/b]