[img] http://i.imgur.com/mlKxfjS.jpg[/img] [h3][color=lightgreen]TEAM BROCCOLI[/color][/h3] [@Crimson Raven] [@Damiann47] [@Jay Kalton] [@Magnato] Sharie smiled and nodded, "I got to admit I'm pretty unfamiliar with handling animals, but Kavinika looks like he's a great friend to have. Guess it's good you were able to bring him along, hmm?" [color=39b54a]"Yeah well, fourth generation dog breeder here, so I think I've got us covered there. And yeah, he is a good dog. Aren't you boy?"[/color] Squatting down to his level, Andica rubbed Kavinika's head affectionately, and the dog responded by enthusiastically licking her face. Most of her words, however, were drowned out by the huge man with an axe, yelling some things that Andica couldn't quite make out. By the time he was done, Andica was done with her sloppy canine hug and Sharie was talking. "That man's shouting is a little bit nostalgic for me. When I was younger I studied and worked in an engineer's workshop, yeah I know a pretty masculine profession for a woman, it was too obvious since I was literally the only girl there." Sharie glanced at her before adding. "Oh and in case you're still unsure, I'm an engineer. Guess you can sort of tell from my outfit though." [color=39b54a]"I figured it was something like that from your goggles. What sort of stuff do you make?"[/color]