[b][i]Alan Anderson - Enclave[/i][/b] [i][b]JFK International Airport[/b][/i] "Ladies, Gentlemen," said Alan Anderson to the gathered personnel of the New York Cell. "I have recieved bad news; Chicago has fallen to a surprise attack from the Brotherhood of Steel." The following looks were that of shock and dismay, which secretly pleased Alan. "We are now the sole surviving remnant of the United States of America, the sole representatives of Pure Humanity left on this good earth." "Due to this, and the clear and present danger presented by the Brotherhood presence in New York City, I am reluctantly taking on the role of Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America's Armed Forces; it is my belief that as the highest-ranked member of this cell -" "You're a damned f****t, that's what you are!" shouted another soldier, his prime adversary in the cell, the Middle-aged Brian Nakamura. "A fairy is not suited to command this cell, especially not one sucking on mommy and pappy's titties!" "I knew you were going to say that," spoke Alan calmly, before drawing out his laser pistol - both men were in armor, without helmets - and shooting the man nonchalantly in the head. A great many of the Enclave troops drew their weapons, before several figures burst in from nearby doors - Alan's personal squad of 'Hedonists', clad in power armor, accompanied by several lower-ranked privates, also in power armor, but with purple chevrons painted on them. "As you can see," Alan spoke, "I hold the loyalty of the majority of this base's military personnel." He then made another gesture, and from a door behind him came several civilians in business suits; men and women belonging to the Enclave's civilian administration. "And while we're at it, I have the loyalty of at least some of the base's civilian administration." One of the civilians, a wiezened old white man who walked with a cane, loped over to Alan's side, causing the man to proclaim: "Do not be afraid, though; although I am now the leader of all Enclave troops, this man - Edward Dusk - will serve as a reminder that the civilian arm of the Enclave is alive and well. As he is the highest-ranking civilian offical here," Alan couldn't recall Edward's past office, but that didn't matter, "he is technically the President of the United States. Edward, your first orders?" "Ahem. As my first act as President, I am confirming Alan Anderson's appointment to Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces. His word is the same as my own. My second act would be to proclaim opposition to him as treason - treason to be punished with a new invention made by our Science Deparment." And with that, several scientists came in, each holding stange-looking drills and neural chips. "Ladies and Gentlement," Alan said, "what you're looking at are brain surgery equipment, as well as a special microchip that, when installed in the brain, forces total obedience to me. Let's just say that anyone who doesn't pledge allegiance to me willingly in ten seconds would become some of the first...targets." He then smirked. "You won't get away with this!" said one of the remaining dissenters, a woman. "Enslaving your own kind?! How could you?!" "If you haven't noticed," he spoke, "I already have. As for how could I? Let me make this clear." "I share the same goals as you do; America will survive. However, it will be in my image, in my name, and I will have power over it. I will do what I want, when I want, and no one will oppose me. It is quite clear from the 'Old Enclave's' failure in the Capital Wasteland that the old ways have failed." At the appalled looks even from his own supporters, Alan smiled again. "Fear not, I will not compromise the purity of Humanity, at least, not by much. However, killing every mutie is off the table as of today. Instead of exterminating, we are going to [i]exploit[/i]. And to show that I mean business..." Alan then turned on a nearby screen, showing his loyal men setting the cell's stores of Modified FEV on fire. The remaining dissenters surrendered; a few would be neural-chipped anyway, but for now, Alan can be secure in his position... [b][i]Timeskip[/i][/b] Alan, now in his business suit, looked over the maps of the various Vaults located in New York State. He was going to need more Manpower if he was going to achieve his goals, and this [i]Vault 81[/i] was going to suit his ends well... Gone were the days of exterminating every Vault found. If he was to have power and pleasure, he was going to need aid.