[center][h2][color=6ecff6]Isa : Anisim Misolav[/color][/h2][/center] [@KatherinWinter] [color=f7941d][i]I sling Blue and her chair at one of the guards, as the first dodged Isa's chair and shot a tranq dart at him. It thudded into the table near where his neck had been a moments ago. Isa ducked under the table, shifting into his Tiger form and pouncing up, onto and over the stationary wolf, that would surely be drawing most of the fire from this side of the room. A surprised guard fell under Isa, his weapon batted to one side as the guard tried to raise it at the last moment. Isa didn't linger, he sprang away towards the nearest standing guard pouncing on him as he fired at one of the others, jarring his aim and sending the stun shot wide. Isa left both with neatly twisted necks, before bounding back under the table, as tranqs and stun guns tracked towards him. It didn't provide much cover, but it was enough to prevent anything from landing, this time. He shifted back to human form, noticing a weariness pulling at him, and tapping into his reserves of stamina developed in a childhood of long hunts over rough terrain. He looked around and took stock of the situation. One ally was down, three guards were down, five others seemed to have been injured the last two, stood covering each other, preventing anyone from getting close. One of the downed guards was writhing near by, bleeding out rather quickly, as a buddy with a minor neck wound tried to help staunch the bleeding. Isa somersaulted towards them and lashed out with his foot, knocking the kneeling guard prone, then grabbed the other's stun gun, from where it lay, and stunned the recovering guard, while sliding out the other guards reach, letting him bleed out on his own terms. Taking a spot behind one of the chairs he'd thrown, he shot a second gaurd as his luck finally ran out. The two untouched guards both scored hits with their tranq guns, on Isa. He ripped the darts out, but the world was already starting to spin, He got off three more shots, all aimed at one of his latest attackers. Assuming one those shots connected the number of downed guards would be up to six. Two dead, with broken necks, one bleeding out steadily from a lucky leg wound, two stunned. That would also leave at least two animals out of the fight, both unconscious, assuming the stationary lout of a dire wolf hadn't been turned into a pincushion, highly unlikely given the guard's training, but theoretically possible. Isa only hoped the remaining wolf and panther could finish the job since the guy from the shadows was apparently intent on doing absolutely nothing. [/i][/color]