[@Skallagrim] Forgive me, allow me to clarify. My contention is that the sentiment in the thread is that Vordak's character deserves to die for his lack of response, while there was no such reaction when Kahn failed to respond in roughly the same timeframe. I realize that the clock is still ticking, but for the sake of argument, the gaps between my post and Kahn's versus Kahn's post and Vordak's are roughly a week, give or take. Seeing as that's the case, I think it somewhat unfair that anybody else but Kahn acting in their capacity as GM should have the first word on whether Vordak's character should take a hit, and the extent to which that damage should be applied. I admit I wasn't being entirely facetious with my question that I may have legitimate claim to a hit on Kahn. I was specifically referring to: [quote=@GreivousKhan] [B]Also I'm thinking of a simple grace period of 3 days to post within before you skipped in the post order, which could mean a free hit on you if you miss the dead line,[/B] if something comes up that makes posting difficult just let us know and extension can easily be made. This isn't ranked or anything so the posting period is simply to make sure this progresses at a steady pace. [/quote] I figured everybody was chill with that. If your argument is that if Kahn should rule that Vordak is subject to strikes for disappearing, we're totally in agreement. Frankly, I lost the chance at a fight because I didn't think Vordak responded to me quickly enough, at the time. However, it'd be against the interests of my team not to point out that nobody started this conversation when we weren't sure when Kahn would post. Even if I or Stekkmen or someone else did, who would have enforced it without Kahn's express communication? Nobody did it a week ago, it seems like you intend to wait until we have that communication now. I'm still really excited to see this RP keep moving. If Kahn is busy at the moment, I for one will defer to your judgement if you make the call to keep it that way.