Okay I did it! Sorry for the delay! I was- wait i did that not even a day ago... that totally counts! Here ya go! [center][img]http://www.billboard.com/files/styles/promo_650/public/media/lorde-billboard-650-430.jpg[/img][/center] [i]The Basics[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Clarissa Ackerman (nee James) [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Human [i]On-Hand[/i] [b]Daily clothing:[/b] [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=181265279]Here[/url] - Usually a sweater and leggings with combat boots and her necklace with her engagement ring on it. [b]Weapon:[/b] [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-muvEdZXslj0/Tq9sPCW3GPI/AAAAAAAAAWs/qB8iiw75RFg/s1600/IMG_3366.JPG]Bow and Arrows[/url]/[url=http://pre13.deviantart.net/0d9e/th/pre/i/2013/085/4/b/katana_by_stoniestarc-d5zcdz4.png]Katana[/url] [b]Equipment:[/b] [url=https://mooreandgiles-mooregilesinc.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Lew_front.jpg]Leather Bag[/url] that contains a [url=http://www.blingforfun.com/images/uploads/8oz_Flask.jpg]flask[/url] with vodka in it, money, a [url=https://static.boker.de/us/images/zoom/01ry069n.jpg]pocket knife[/url], several packs of beef jerky, and a plain white t-shirt with a pair of leggings. [b]Extra clothing:[/b] Plain white t-shirt and pair of leggings [i]Elementals and Abilities[/i] [b]Elementals:[/b] Psychic & Healing [b]Abilities:[/b] Ability to read minds, to manipulate one's thoughts, and to heal others [i]Companions[/i] German Shepherd - Cisco - Speaks German, Male, Adult [i]Biography[/i] Like any normal child, she was born from her mother and into her family. Unlike other kids though, she was born into a hunter family. Clarissa's father, aware of the fact, tried to get her away from his wife and in-laws. It was a failed attempt after a year of trying, as the court took the mother's side. Unless he wanted to get illegal, he wouldn't have been able to get Clarissa out of harms way. Now stuck with her mother for sure, Clarissa began training. Since she was only one year old at the time they started, she was only taught simple things, like how to walk and run. As soon as she hit the age of three, Clarissa's mother enrolled her into dance classes, specifically ballet. It would teach her endurance and elegance. Age six was a big year for Clarissa. Her mother had decided it was time to learn how to wield weapons. The basics were taught to her over the course of two years. Until the age of eight, she was learning how to use a bow and arrows and also how to use simple weapons like knives. When she did hit the age of eight, they realized her abilities and began to train her in using them properly. Clarissa enjoyed her healing power, but wasn't too happy with her psychic powers. She enjoyed healing people more than manipulating them, so, while she was trained to use her psychic powers, she doesn't use them too often. By the age of ten, Clarissa was a trained killer, and healer. She wanted something new to learn, and her parents agreed with her. Other than choosing a weapon for her to use, they let her choose. The ten year old chose a katana. It would be perfect for close range while her bow would be used for long range. Clarissa was trained to use the katana by her grandfather, who also used a katana. She excelled in it, just like everything else. Even more experienced by the age of 15, she was sent off into the world to hunt with her mother. They went to other countries, helping out people that needed it and trailing after cases that could be involved with demons. She went to England and Japan mostly, but when her mother was called over to visit family in Germany, as a family member was dying, she brought Clarissa with. Now, this was at the ripe age of 20, so Clarissa was well versed in actually hunting demons at this point. However, what she wasn't prepared for, was love. She met a German boy by the name of Edgar when she was in Germany. He was a hunter too and had been a friend of the family member that died. In the short time they had met, they were sure they were in love. It took some convincing of her mother, but Clarissa was able to stay in Germany with Edgar. They became hunting partners and he taught her German, among other things. She wasn't actually taught normal things like math and science growing up, since her family was so focused on training and killing demons, so Edgar took it upon himself to teach her. Thanks to him, she at least knows the basics. It only made her love him more. It wasn't long before Edgar proposed to her. She was twenty-two when he did, and they got married the next year. It was a happy time. They got a dog named Cisco to help them with hunting, but also for a family dog. She thought nothing could go wrong. Until of course her husband was killed by a demon, but not before leaving her with a child on the way. She was only twenty-four. With a child on the way and being widowed, she didn't know what to do. Depression wasn't a want or need, but she fell into it anyway. Thankfully, she didn't resort to not so smart things and was able to give birth to a healthy baby boy the next year. Her mother had been there when the baby was born, but she was also the one that took the mother away from the baby. Clarissa's mother convinced her depressed daughter into going to Chicago. It would be good for her to get away from the reminders of her ex-husband, she said. Don't worry, she said. Well, it worked, because now Clarissa was in Chicago and she wanted to solve as much of their problem as possible so she could go back to her son.