I've never seen Z Nation although my boyfriend watches it and has told me quite a bit about it so I'm in. Also, nice to see you again, Zmerr :cool [center][img]http://www.photobyjoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/lumberjack-18.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Lawrence Macintosh Gender: Male Age: 27 Personality: Lawrence is a rather subdued individual who is known for his gentle spirit and disability to say "no" to others. While that is what is seen on the outside, something very different is on the inside. From years of verbal and physical abuse from his mother as well as being taken advantage of by others, Lawrence has dark and sometimes murderous thoughts although he never acts on them. Anger is an emotion he rarely ever shows to others, although, when he does it is very violent. Otherwise, 90% of the time, Lawrence is an innocent teddy bear. If he ever does something violent, he is immediately regretful afterword and is ashamed. He has almost no back bone so saying no to someone or standing up to them is something he rarely does. Weapon of choice: Axe Bio: Lawrence was born to Frank and Winona Macintosh on a ranch in Northern America. He had two other siblings, all of which died before the age of 20. His younger brother died at the age of 8 from a cattle stampede and his sister died at the age of 18 during a complicated child birth. Eventually, Lawrence's father died as well from a heart attack, leaving Lawrence and his mother alone to tend to the ranch. Having two of his siblings and his father die in the span of a few years, Lawrence decided to leave home at the age of 17, right after graduating high school, to work in Northern Canada at a lumber camp. He needed to get away from his mother and from the house that only reminded him of his dead family. He worked and stayed at the lumber camp for 9 years. For the last two, he received repetitive letters from his mother saying that she was getting ill and that they were in danger of losing the ranch. Finally, after two years of receiving these letters begging him to come back home, Lawrence decided that he would. Seeing as there was word of a highly contagious virus going around, Lawrence chose to drive back to his hometown instead of taking a plane. Along the way, he saw many strange things. But when he tried to cross the border into America, it was very tricky and a series of unfortunate events left him stranded in Michigan.