Lieutenant Thule Mac'Don stood somewhat at ease as he took a moment to enjoy the sight of the first AT-AT step out on parade and display the might of the Empire proudly for all of its citizens to see. It was only fair that on the anniversary of the Empire's founding that the average citizen be allowed to celebrate being able to live in a galaxy in which they didn't have to live in fear of war or chaos and the AT-AT was truly an awe inspiring sight to behold... Privately he couldn't help but think that the AT-AT wasn't designed with full scale war in mind... at least not against a well equipped, determined enemy like the CIS had been. Ignoring the fact that it appeared to leave it's top, sides, underbelly and rear completely exposed and undefended [i]and[/i] that its legs were key weak points and damaging one could easily cripple the thing, its sheer size and the way it moved suggested that it would struggle trying to get through uneven terrain. It was clear that it was designed more for the intimidation factor then true battle versatility; Something to be seen to inspire those loyal to the Empire while filling those seeking to betray it with fear. Still, the moment passed at Thule went back to work. Festivals and Celebrations were all well and good, but they still needed people in order to maintain law and order so that everyone could have a good time. He currently had the four squads under his command paroling the crowds and acting as peacekeepers and law enforcement where needed. Festivals were ripe with targets for pick pockets, con artists and drug dealers; not to mention the general chaos and incidents that tended to arise naturally because of so many different beings being together in one place. Besides, it was a good training excise in dealing with crowds of innocent people and presenting the Empire in a good light while achieving the objective. Of course, four squads (32 people) needed to be co-originated and as their Lieutenant that role fell to him. "All sergeants, report in your current location. Over."