[center][h2]Steel Hunters Company[/h2] [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/mv3hw0.jpg[/IMG][/center] [hr] [color=lime][b]> Current Contract Details[/b][/color] [color=lime]> Location:[/color] Arias, Settlement. [indent]Ellos II - Ellos System, FEZ[/indent][color=lime] > Geography:[/color] Arid, badlands. Little vegetation. Cover present- rocks and hills. [color=lime]> Objectives:[/color] Blockade Running, Siege Breaking [color=lime]> Briefing:[/color] A small settlement on Ellos II, known as Arias, [indent]has been under siege for some time now. Arias is currently being cut off from trade routes and supplies by a sizable force of raiders. The Steel Hunter's primary objective is to break the raider's siege and get desperately needed food and medical supplies into the settlement. Secondary Objectives consist of reducing enemy forces until raiders are no longer capable of maintaining a siege. Initial scans estimate that Enemy forces consist of 5 MASs, 6 Armored vehicles, 2 light aircraft units, 12 light vehicles, and several dozen infantry.[/indent] [color=lime]> Payout:[/color] 30,000 Credits.