[Hider=Dossier: Samuel Lin][Hider=Lin, Samuel] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/23qyxw2.jpg[/IMG] Standing in at 5'8", and weighing roughly 160 lbs. This short, stocky young pilot possess an athletic build, with lightly tanned skin, Often marred with dirt or grease. His dirty blonde hair is short and out of the way, and his face is typically clean shaven. He has a square face, with strong features and green eyes, his mouth typically curled into a serious, solemn frown. He has a set of tattoos on his left bicep that read "Sara, Robert, Marie" [B]Name: [/B] [COLOR=#99ccff] Lin, Samuel[/COLOR] [B]Age: [/B] [COLOR=#99ccff] 22[/COLOR] [B]Gender: [/B] [COLOR=#99ccff] Male[/COLOR] [b]Nationality: [/b] [COLOR=#99ccff] UEE[/COLOR] [B]Callsign/Codename: [/B] [COLOR=#99ccff] Hare[/COLOR] [B]Kills: [/B] [COLOR=#99ccff] 15[/COLOR] [B]Psychological Analysis:[/B] [COLOR=#99ccff]Direct and to the point, this quiet, serious man is incredibly blunt. Level headed and calm, Samuel has a very analytic attitude and can be very perceptive and intuitive in regards to people. Unless he has a well established relationship, Samuel is typically distrustful of others, and will often ignore the advice of complete strangers. With a chillingly cold and calm demeanor, Samuel often comes off as rather aloof and standoffish. Possessing a well developed, if jaded sense of morality, Samuel acts in what he believes are in the best interests of himself and those he cares about- not necessarily caring what is good or bad.[/COLOR] [B]Military Record: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff] Born the youngest of two to a poor family in the UEE core worlds, Samuel had a rough childhood, lacking the innate brilliance of his sister, as well as her tendency to be in the background, Samuel's blunt personality often found himself in fights in the school yards with other kids. Known throughout his primary school as a delinquent, with his sister's help he graduated and joined up in an imperial military academy soon afterwards. Military Academies, thankfully, were tuition free- exchanging education for much needed military service, and Samuel and his sister Sara were quickly encouraged by their poverty stricken family to enroll and enlist. As usual, Samuel's sister Sara excelled in the Academy, and was quickly slated to be a pilot for Mobile Armor Suits- a highly regarded position in the academy. Samuel on the other hand, didn't do as well in school, and was slated for the mechanical support branch- to become a military mechanic. His sister graduated the academy and was sent off to pilot school on Mars, Samuel on the other hand was sent to Titan to learn how to service machines. Shortly after completing his training on Titan, Samuel was inducted into the experimental 105th Mechanical Corps, a logistics unit that used integrated Mobile Armor Suits. As a result, Samuel was taught how to pilot MAS's in order to facilitate heavy lifting, and as well as convoy defense, when the need arised. It was with the 105th however that Samuel's career started going downhill. Hearing that his family back home was still desperate for money despite the amounts that both him and his sister were sending back from their paychecks, Samuel took it upon himself to find a way of acquiring more money. This need for money, and his presence in a logistics and supply unit, eventually led to him discovering the black market. Originally only trading small items for bribes- snail mail, candy bars, spare rations, extra uniforms, etc, Samuel soon escalated his business as the money began to pour in- body armor, firearms, power cells, even MAS parts. Eventually, Samuel was caught and court martialed, resulting in dishonorable discharge from the UEE military. Now with nowhere to go in the UEE to find work- as few were willing to offer decent jobs to dishonorably discharged personnel, Samuel eventually found himself in the Free-Enterprise Zone. Signing on with a merchant company- where his black market connections especially would come in handy, especially within the FEZ. Samuel worked with them for a while before a pirate raid destroyed their convoy. Saved from the pirate raid by a PMC known as the Steel Hunters, Samuel joined up with them as a pilot and a logistics person, his black market connections allowing the Steel Hunters to obtain some better hardware.[/COLOR] [B]Equipment: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Along with his flight suit, Samuel carries his old .45 caliber service pistol, as well as a combat knife. He has a picture of himself and his sister Sara in his pocket.[/COLOR] [/hider] [hider=CCS-099 Rabbit] [IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/zmi2z9.jpg[/IMG] [hider=Second Image][IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/x22s10.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Designation: [/B][/COLOR]CCS-099 Stylet "Rabbit" C (Custom) [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Role:[/B][/COLOR] Interception [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Chassis:[/B][/COLOR] Light [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Engine:[/B][/COLOR] Improved Tri Core Engine. 25 PWR [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Operating Time:[/B][/COLOR] 12 Hours. [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Description:[/B][/COLOR] Samuel Lin's heavily customized Stylet. This civilian model high performance unit has been drastically altered and modified to a point that it has very little resemblance to its predecessor. Sporting a decent shield system, as well as a wide array of melee, and close quarters weaponry, this light strike unit is capable of intercepting enemy units and delivering potent firepower at close range. [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Systems:[/B][/COLOR] [B]Twin Mk25 20mm Autocannons. 2 WT 2 PWR[/B].[COLOR=#00ff00] - A pair of twin barreled autocannons mounted on each arm, these arm mounted autocannons fire 20mm rounds at a rate of 1200 Rounds per minute, each cannon has a 500 round internal magazine.[/COLOR] [B]Fusillade Micro Missile System 1 WT 1 PWR[/B].[COLOR=#00ff00] - This small launcher system is installed in the Rabbit's lower shoulder and fires 12 Micro Missiles each. Micro Missiles are projectiles that split into four missiles in mid-air, and have a potent payload for their size. While ineffective against most larger MAS's, Micro Missiles have varying degrees of effect on light vehicles and MAS's[/COLOR] [B]Countermeasures. 0 WT 0 PWR[/B] [COLOR=#00ff00]- Countermeasure systems are often used by lighter MAS's to avoid missiles instead of using body mounted machine guns to intercept them. Using chaff and flares, countermeasure systems are negligible in terms of weight and power, but only has 3 chaff uses, and 6 sets of flares before needing to rearm.[/COLOR] [B]Class 1 Shield Generator. 3 Wt 3 PWR.[/B] [COLOR=#00ff00]- Salvaged off a UEE Sparrow, the Stylet is equipped with a military grade shield- typically turned off to avoid detection.[/COLOR] [b]Stylet Custom Boosters. 4 WT 4 PWR[/b] [color=lime] - While already quite agile and capable of flight, these custom Stylet boosters allow it to reach even greater maximum speeds, at the cost of some maneuverability at close range when activated. Fuel Canisters on the back grant it a lesser power cost at a higher weight cost.[/color] [b]Steel Hunters Systems Specialization:[/b][color=lime] - Surviving in the Free-Enterprise Zone requires tenacity and wit. Steel Hunters that specialize in optimizing MAS electrical and energy systems are granted an extra [COLOR=lime]5 PWR[/color] to their unit. Cannot be taken simultaneously with Steel Hunters Mechanical Specialization.[/color] [b]Improved Reactor Output 3 WT +5 PWR[/b][color=lime] - High end customization used by Sam to increase his Machine's overall power[/color] [B]Z210 Energy Sabers - Internal capacitor. 2 WT 6 PWR[/B] [COLOR=#00ff00]- The Stylet utilizes a pair of high powered energy saber deployed from stored in its forearms, though the blades can be detached and held in hand like typical blades. The blade length can be adjusted, and the sabers primarily use their own power capacitors, they are also hooked into the Stylet, slightly increasing its operational limit to 5 hours each. As such, pilots are often encouraged to limit their melee time.[/COLOR] [b]Smart Target AI. 3 PWR.[/b][color=lime] - A head mounted pair of target acquisition assistants- forming "ears" on the Unit's head provides the Stylet with considerably improved targeting capabilities.[/color] [hr] [B]OPTIONAL Type 907 80mm Anti-Armor Rifle. 5 WT 2 PWR[/B].[COLOR=#00ff00] - A high powered 80mm cannon weapon designed by the Coalition, used by Sam when long range engagements are necessary, the Type 907 provides devastating firepower in the form of a massive shell, with surprising accuracy. The Type 907 has incredibly long range, and a hefty kick to it, but fires High explosive shells from a 50 Round magazine. The weapon can fold up onto the back of the Stylet's shoulder when not in use.[/COLOR] [/hider] [h3]Inventory[/h3] Pay Cut: 5% Current Funds: 400[/hider] [hider=Dossier: Seth Prowler] [Hider=Prowler, Seth] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/2r3ko3s.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Prowler, Seth[/COLOR] [B]Age: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]42[/COLOR] [B]Gender: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Male[/COLOR] [B]Nationality: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]FEZ[/COLOR] [B]Callsign/Codename: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Miles[/COLOR] [B]Kills: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]38[/COLOR] [COLOR=#99ccff]A self-proclaimed man of agricultural origins, just how Prowler learned how to operate a MAS isn't something he typically lets on about- attributing most of his experience to mercenary work. Prowler has been Terin's right hand man since before the founding of the Steel Hunters PMC. A man of gruff, but generally friendly disposition, Prowler is a man of honor- and a highly skilled MAS pilot to boot.[/COLOR] [/hider] [hider=CMS-110 Gowser] [IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/143j8tk.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Designation:[/B][/COLOR] CMS-110 Gowser C (Custom) [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Role:[/B][/COLOR] Assault [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Chassis:[/B][/COLOR] Medium [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Engine:[/B][/COLOR] Improved Quad Core Engine 25 Power [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Operating Time:[/B][/COLOR] 16 Hours [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Description:[/B][/COLOR] A civilian grade MAS designed by the Coalition based company H&K, the Gowser is a rugged and reliable civilian unit, highly customization and able to be outfitted for a variety of roles, from construction and heavy lifting, to deep space mining and large scale construction. This Gowser has been militarized and is heavily armed and armored, and is capable of holding its own against military grade machines. [COLOR=#00ff00][B]Systems:[/B][/COLOR] [B]Type-35 40mm Autocannon 4 WT 2 PWR.[/B] [COLOR=#00ff00]- A Coalition built 40mm Autocannon, it is a more streamlined version of the common Type-3 Autocannon. The Type-35 fires 40mm shells out of a 250 round magazine and fires at a rate of 650 rounds per minute. It has semi-automatic and 5 round burst modes. It also comes with a built in alloy bayonet for close combat.[/COLOR] [B]Argos Arm mounted 30mm Autocannon 3 WT 2 PWR[/B] [COLOR=#00ff00]- Argos industries arm mounted autocannon fires 30mm rounds out of twin linked autocannon barrels at 400 rounds per minute each, for a total of 800 rounds per minute. The weapon has a 400 round magazine[/COLOR] [b]Class 2 Shield: 5 WT 5 PWR[/b] [color=lime] - A class 2 military grade shield 'appropriated' from a fallen UEE Sentry[/color] [b]E110 Energy Saber: 1 WT 3 PWR[/b] [color=lime] - The Gowser utilizes a of high powered energy saber deployed from stored in its hip. The blade length can be adjusted, but due to the saber using its own power capacitors, the operational limit of the blade is 3 hours. As such, pilots are often encouraged to limit their melee time.[/color] [b]Hybrid Armor Plating 5 WT[/b] [color=lime]- Because of its nature as a general purpose construction unit, armor plating is often necessary to provide protection against the elements. This custom Gowser has additional plating on its shoulder and chest to provide better equipment.[/color] [b]Smart Target AI 3 PWR[/b] [color=lime]- By improving the standard MAS AI with a Smart Targeting AI, MAS's can now acquire multiple targets simultaneously, and can now track up to 40 targets, including missiles, and other MAS's, instead of the standard 5..[/color] [b]Upgraded Targeting Suite External 1 WT 1 PWR[/b] [color=lime]- Built into the Gowser's custom visor, an enhanced targeting solution improves its overall accuracy at all ranges.[/color] [b]Enhanced Radar Suite External 1 WT 1 PWR[/b] [color=lime]- Built into its custom visor unit, the Gowser's radar range has been effectively doubled.[/color] [b]Steel Hunters Specialization +5 PWR[/b] [b]Counter Measures[/b] [/hider] [/hider]