[hider=Dossier: Carmen Matell][center][hider=Carmen Matell][color=gray][center][img]http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m278/AI_Omega/ModedRedTech.jpg[/img][/center] [color=crimson][h3][b]Matell, Carmen[/b][/h3][/color] [color=crimson][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=crimson][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=crimson][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] UEE [color=crimson][b]Callsign/Codename:[/b][/color] Drillbit [color=crimson][b]Kills:[/b][/color] 1 [color=crimson][b]Psychological Analysis:[/b][/color] Carmen is a down-to-earth tech junkie. She knows her way around almost any piece of technology; what she doesn't know, gets figured out quickly. Carmen enjoys handling MAS units and there isn't a single piece of equipment in the Steel Hunters that hasn't gone through Carmen's inspection. Carmen gets the job done before she starts to slack and be a playful devil. When off of the job, Carmen is a prankster and a fun chaser. When on the job, Carmen is usually acting as the PMC's field 'medic' for the MAS units. When she can't be there in person to perform repairs, Carmen gives a detailed explanation on how to do it yourself. Carmen is a non-combatant, but she is present on nearly every operation to help her partners through the tough situations. Carmen isn't a huge fan of killing, having only done it once; she is in the business for her love of MAS units, and for Samuel's sake, whom she befriended shortly after arriving at the PMC's headquarters. [color=crimson][b]Employment Record:[/b][/color] Carmen was born as the daughter to the head of Boeing, one of Earth's most powerful corporations. Her father was the man behind the UEE's modern MAS units. Carmen was raised either in her family estate or in the engineering bays of the Boeing's headquarters. By age twelve, Carmen knew the ins and outs of every MAS chassis that rolled off of the assembly line. Carmen's father capitalized on her knowledge of the machines and made sure she received the best training and education there was. The engineering facilities she had constant access to helped her learn in tandem with her classes. By seventeen, Carmen was at her father's side designing the next generation MAS units for the UEE Navy. Her ingenuity is partly responsible for the rare and highly praised Shrike chassis, used by choice pilots in the UEE. As conflict reignited between the UEE and the Coalition, Carmen quickly signed up. Her father protested at first, but she reason with him that nobody in the UEE would be able to navigate the inner workings of a MAS at the same level as her. It didn't take long for her credentials to check out. Carmen was quickly thrust into basic training where she learned the foundation for combat. She took to the lessons well but her real focus was still on engineering. The commander of training base Carmen was station at saw that she had a knack for more than just MAS units. Once she finished basic, she was put on a transport and sent to Mars where she would service the training units that frequently got terribly battered by rookie pilots. Simply put, better machines equaled better pilots. Carmen felt as though she had been shafted. She didn't want to fix the mistakes of noobie pilots, she wanted to fix the combat units and actually make a difference on the battlefield. She grew bored with Mars and when she was made an offer to join the Steel Hunters, Carmen accepted. She finished her minimum service time with the UEE and left for the FEZ shortly after. Her father wasn't happy about her decision, but there wasn't anything he could do back on Earth. Carmen was gone before his agents could come and collect her. Since then, Carmen has served as the head engineer for the Steel Hunters. She runs a strict and regular maintenance schedule to make sure that the units in the PMC are always at 110%. [color=crimson][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Carmen keeps a wrench, a flashlight, and a holopad with her at all times. She almost always finds something that needs fixing. Aside from her random odds and ends, Carmen doesn't keep much else on her person.[/color][/hider] [hider=MUL-CE4] [color=gray][img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/dfe6/th/pre/f/2011/306/d/2/female_battle_suit_consept_valkyrie_by_avitus12-d4evo9d.jpg[/img] [color=crimson][b]Designation[/b][/color] MUL-CE4 (Mass Produced Ultra-Light Combat Engineer Model 4) [color=crimson][b]Role[/b][/color] Combat Engineer, Electronic Warfare [color=crimson][b]Chassis[/b][/color] Ultra-Light [color=crimson][b]Suspension[/b][/color] Ultra-Light + Improved Suspension = 17 Weight Capacity [color=crimson][b]Weight[/b][/color] 14/17 Weight [color=crimson][b]Engine[/b][/color] 2 Cores + System Special + Improved Output = 20 Power [color=crimson][b]Operating Time[/b][/color] 12/20 Power = 8 Unused; 16 Hours [color=crimson][b]Description[/b][/color] The MUL-CE4 is more of an exo-skeleton than anything. Used by engineers both in the military and in the private sector, the MUL-CE4 is the go-to MAS for doing anything a human can't do. The MUL-CE4 is equipped with light armor and shield systems to protect the wearer from whatever might come its way for just long enough to get to safety. It features mounts on both arms so that it can have plasma torches or firearms attached without occupying the engineer's hands. The exo allows the wearer to lift heavier loads and it doesn't impede on the full range of movement the operator might need. More combat oriented MUL-CE4s are equipped with maneuvering thrusters to glide along surfaces at higher speeds and to help push or pull heavy objects. The MUL-CE4 doesn't feature its own life-support, but it is small enough that a backpack can be slung onto its back with all of the necessary equipment. [color=crimson][u][b]Systems[/b][/u] [b]Weapons:[/b][/color] [b]HMAR-12[/b] [i][+3 Weight | -1 Power][/i] - The HMAR-12 is a heavy assault rifle used in conjunction with ultra-light MAS units. Without a MAS, the HMAR-12 is more commonly used as a two-man heavy machine emplacement. It has a slower fire rate but its stopping power more than makes up for. The high caliber rounds can be enough to make a MAS think twice about charging toward it. The HMAR-12 is effective against MAS units up to the light class, anything larger simply shrugs up the rounds. The weapons struggles against medium units but enough focused fire it can cause light damage. It goes without saying that an unarmored target doesn't fare well against the HMAR-12. The HMAR-12 is belt fed from a large ammo-pack. The pack can carry up to 200 [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.700_Nitro_Express].700 Nitro Express[/url] rounds. As Carmen is a non-combatant, she prefers this loading method as she can swap the ammo-pack out for life support or other modules depending on what the mission calls for. [b]Plasma Torch[/b][i] [+2 Weight | -3 Power][/i] - While it harnesses plasma technology, the plasma torch doesn't technically classify as a weapon and as such, is allowed within the private sector. Under normal circumstances, plasma torches are the manufacturing bread and butter of the engineering world. They are capable of slicing off armored segments and welding them back on. The plasma torch is rather power intensive and thus, it isn't used very frequently as anything else but what it is intended for. Nevertheless, plasma torches aren't an uncommon sight on the battlefield when real weapons aren't present. [color=crimson][b]Armor & Shields:[/b][/color] [b]Light Alloy Plating[/b] [i][+3 Weight][/i] [b]Class 1 Energy Shield[/b] [i][-3 Power][/i] [color=crimson][b]Extra Systems:[/b][/color] [b]Steel Hunters Systems Specialization[/b] [i][+5 Power][/i] [b]Improved Suspension[/b] [i][-10 Weight | -5 Power][/i] [b]Improved Reactor Output[/b] [i][+3 Weight | +5 Power][/i][/color][/hider] [hider=Inventory]- 500 Credits - Wrench - Screw Driver - 9mm Pistol w/ 2x 12 round magazines [Ammo: 24/24] - Holopad - Small flashlight - Radio Headset[/hider][/center][/hider]