[u]Desmond Williams[/u] Assessing the situation ahead of them, Desmond afforded his partner a quick smirk, before moving to straighten his tie and forgetting that he stopped wearing one back when the dead started to walk and any hanging fashion could have meant a death sentence. He shook off his professional instinct, and raised his Beretta at eye level with the small horde to cover her approach with the combat knife. Breathing steadily, he lined up a shot with one of the tattered corpses and pulled the trigger, but he aimed too low at first and merely obliterated the walker's jaw. Adjusting his aim, the ex-lawyer took another shot, and watched as the bullet burrowed deep between the eyes. The corpse fell to the floor, causing the one behind it to trip. [i]Not the brightest things,[/i] Desmond noted, before turning his attention back to his companion. She had taken down one of her own, but a second had caught her off guard and nearly got to her. Without a second thought, and with the line of sight between himself and the walker clear, Desmond spun on his heel, leveled his gun and took the shot. A spray of blood shot out of the side of its deformed head, and the body crumpled to the ground. They had one left on the ground floor --the one that had tripped over Desmond's first kill and was just now getting on it's feet -- as well as a few more making its way through the open door. Upstairs, Desmond could hear the groans of the dead and the sound of more gunshots, as the disjointed survivors continued to fend off the small horde. "No rest for the wicked, eh?" He raised a brow at his partner and cracked a smile, before turning his attention back on the fight. [u]Douglas Knowles[/u] As yet another survivor made contact with their group, Doug's excitement grew, and he was quick to respond. "We read you; Eighth Street is operational. I repeat, our safe house is operational and the area is relatively clear, over." He put down the mic and turned to Ron. "At this rate, we may have to expand into the next building," he said, smiling. Ron just shook his head. "At this rate, we may all just starve before the dead even get to us."