[h2]King of Heroes[/h2] Unlike the others, Gilgamesh was not in fact doing anything prior to his arrival in Akihabara. It wasn't merely in the sense of lazing around (something that he was well used to doing, especially without a kingdom to rule) but rather in the sense of 'I seem to recall being dead'. Therefore, to find himself standing in the sunlight, clothed for the era, was a remarkably positive change. It was a short delay before the exact state of the sudden life was realised: not a Servant. Whether a state similar to that after the Fourth Grail War or true life mattered little in light of not being bound to some mage as a tool for irrelevant schemes. The blonde man took in the surroundings, attracting far less attention than some of the others. Most likely because his casual outfit was hardly distinctive or noteworthy in any way--though, unknown to the King of Heroes, it was most likely because it was hardly what he was known for wearing. Nevertheless, it afforded him a measure of not being stared at as he scanned the busy area and matched it with somewhere that he'd heard of, but never been. Akihabara. An embodiment of much that annoyed him about the world... but familiar words reached his ears. Saber? Was this another grail war, simply in disguise? Given this place, it could simply be someone playing dress-up, yet even he had nothing to do without information. So the blonde made his way over to the source... [hr] [h2]Sister of the Devil[/h2] Flandre's day was more interesting than normal. Sakuya had come down to wake her up early and hand over an umbrella, explaining that her big sister needed something broken... now. It wouldn't be the first time that she'd been asked to go outside simply to deal with something, but it had been an extremely long time since she needed to go out in the day to do it. Maybe if it was more meteors, someone pointing them at the mansion would actually be believable. After dressing, Flandre gathered up the needed parasol, along with the teddy bear that Meiling had somehow procured the other week. It wasn't necessary to carry around... but it was soft and nice to hold onto, and until it got broken somehow, it was unlikely that the isolated girl was going to let it from her sight. Even though still yawning, the vampire made her way upstairs and out through the front door, sleepily waiting to adjust to the light. What she saw was everything that the Vampire hadn't been expecting. Built up rather than urban. Lots of people. Unfamiliar clothing, lots of flashing bright lights... not only was it more people than she'd ever actually seen in one place before, it was noisy and too many people were starting to look at her, some even pulling out... things with bright flashes. Naturally, Flandre backed away, holding the umbrella nearly tight enough to crack it and trying to position the teddy to hide her face. She was stopped, wings tinkling, by backing into [i]someone.[/i]