[Hider= Captain Terin][center][img]http://img02.deviantart.net/dada/i/2014/312/f/5/basmachi_page_68_by_charcoalfeather-d7xbnmk.png[/img][/center] [color=darkgray] Name: Terin James, The Third Age: 40 Gender: Male Nationality: Coalition Callsign/Codename: Exodus Kills: Unkown [h2][b][b]Psychological Analysis:[/b][/b][/h2] [indent] Captain Terin is the very model of a gentleman and an officer, no matter how savage the fighting, no matter how pitiless the combat, the officer almost never lets his base nature take over. He will remain polite, and even in the worst of situations will always retain his sense of propriety, often unfailingly displaying an unflinching visage of calm even in the face of death. Rarely indulging in the the use of foul language especially in front of a lady, never drinking to the point of being unable to perform his duties. He is true to his word as a man of honor and will not refrain from disciplining those that would break these codes of honor. Due to his well-dressed, well-spoken and charming visage backed by something that represented an old tidewater accent most of the common military men look upon him with a sense of "who the hell does this guy think he is kidding?". But to those that know the Captain, they know he isn't the captain just because he has a pretty face his nerves of steel and infallible expression are backed by a ruthless tactical mind and a cunning tongue that he uses with a breathtaking efficiency. He runs his ship tight and puts down any that would challenge him with an efficiency that is something scary to behold. [/indent] [h2][b]Employment Record:[/b][/h2] [indent]The life of James Terin III begins on a Coalition trading hub by the name of Vyrhurst IV. His father James Terin II was the owner of the Vynhurst Shipyards and made his living constructing Coalition cruisers to fight against the UEE. Captain Terin was a quiet boy in his youth spending his time reading or playing a variety of musical instruments including the piano and the violin. Excelling in his studies at school and showing a keen mind for logic and tactics he was sent away to the Coalition Officers Academy to receive the best education he could and at a level that could challenge him intellectually. He wasn't a fan of the PT training but the tactics training, the simulations and the military history fascinated him. He gained the curious eye of the heads of the Academy was his impeccable record in the fleet simulations, running through some of the hardest trials they had and not only leading his fleet to victory but with limited casualties. Eventually he graduated with high honors and as a test for his skill Coalition High Command but him in charge of the Frigate know as the [i]Long Solace[/i]. At the time of his appointed command the Solace was in deep trouble with insubordination running through the ranks, most of the main systems in disrepair and the threat of a looming expectation coming that could easily have the ship condemned for the condition it was in. High Command had thrown a curveball at him and wanted to see what he could do with it. The Captain was discouraged at first seeing as he was apparently just being set up for failure before things could even start, but after sulking for a bit he found the resolve to get the job done. It wasn't easy at first at the young age of twenty he wasn't respected by his crewmates some double his age and have been fighting before he was born but he persisted. He talked to his crew, he got to know them and found out what was troubling them like the like of new cloth for the bunks, and the short supply of food and things like cigarettes. Pulling some strings he was able to get most of these supplies to his crew and with it the respect and calmed temperaments of his crew. Once he had their respect and allegiance, they got to work refitting the ship and getting her worthy for launch before the time of inspection came. Pleasantly surprised the inspectors found the ship in top condition and he was authorized on his first mission, a patrol along the border colonies. It was here he got his first real taste of combat and was able to successfully repel a UEE scouting party. For the next ten years he continued in the same manner continuing to impress his superiors and get his job done. At the age of twenty eight he was given command of a small four ship detachment from the Coalition Fifth Fleet and was given orders to harass UEE trade routes. His small group of ships struck out like phantoms in the night destroyer transports and cargo haulers with a fury already gone before the UEE would send ships in to chase him down. Over time Captain Terin gained a reputation amongst the UEE for his efforts against them and the UEE upper brass decided it was time that they dealt with the Captain once and for all. Captain Terin through information gathered by Coalition Commandos learned of a trap that the UEE was crafting to finally spring upon him. It would appear that his communications officer was actually a UEE spy and was routing their coordinates to a UEE taskforce getting ready to take him down at his next jump point. Rather than waste this opportunity by ordering the spies capture the Captain decided that he would use it to his advantage. He spent an entire night studying star charts and locations before he found the planet he would meet them at. It's name was Zyos I, a large gas giant on the Coalition border that had orbit around an unstable star. To the particularities of this orbit and the star, Zyos I had particularly strong gravity fluxes. These fluxes would hamper his four ships of course but they were light frigates designed for hit and run missions, they had the comparatively low weight and engine power to still be able to maneuver in these fluxes. The UEE while having heavier fire power and more men their ships were bigger and had the maneuverability of a dying tortoise. If he had the upper hand in maneuverability he could win the battle but it would be a dangerous gamble as the MAS squadron's stationed with them would not be able to deploy in such strong gravity fields it would be all upon the ships themselves. Unfettered, he ordered the jump and waited and soon they came to him with a righteous and terrible fury. The Captain used his ships longer range cannons to slam into the UEE ships as they approached. At first they didn't notice it but the Captain was retreating he was bring his ships closer to Zyos I where the gravity fluxs would take effect. The UEE didn't realize that a trap had been sprung on them until it was too late. Their heavy ships were trapped in the gravitational pull, slowing them to a crawl as Terin whipped his more maneuverable ships around and pummeled them with heavy fire. The fighting was chaotic and close but Terin somehow swung it in his favor and by the end of the engagement four the eight UEE ships that had been senter after him had perished with countless dead and Terin himself only had 100 wounded and 30 dead on his side. It was a decisive victory. For his honor and bravery in combat, he was awarded the Coalition Gold Cross one of the highest medals a man of the Coalition military could aspire for. But soon the weight of the war and the deaths that he had caused finally got to him. He was plagued by nightmares of those he had killed and drunk long and hard to try and forget. Upon conference with his father and his XO, he decided that for the sake of his own sanity and mental well being that he would have to resign from his post. He submitted his request for discharge at the age of thirty. The Coalition not wanting to lose a man of his skill offered him desk jobs, comfortable position controlling fleets from the capital. They give him the world and all he could do was refuse it all. He didn't want any part in the war anymore, he didn't want to be a war hero, he just wanted to be left alone. So for his faithful years of service his request was respectfully granted and his with discharged with full military honors. He went back home where he packed his bags and left for parts unknown leaving most of his possession behind. Terin would find his way eventually to a small refueling station in the FES zone known as Lsysus. It was here that he worked for five years in solitude as a starship mechanic in obscurity. They were good years spending his time around ships that he loved and would repair with glee and the nightmares slowly subsided. He didn't make the best money and it was a farflung difference then what he could of had back in Coalition space but he didn't need to be a hero, he just wanted to live his life. At the age of thirty five he was found again by recruiters for the Steel Hunters Private Military Company. They had heard rumors of an old Coalition captain living his days as a common mechanic on a refueling station in the middle of nowhere by the name of Terin. Like most working in and around the war the Steel Hunters had heard of Terin's reputation and decided to pay him a visit. The Captain declined their offers for employment five times but eventually wore him down telling him that they were only there to protect people and isn't that what a good Captain like himself was supposed to do? Protect People? So he agreed on two conditions he got to pick the ship and he got to pick the crew. The Steel Hunters could only so cordially agree to gain a main with Terin's skill and so for the last four years the Captain has been working for the Steel Hunters. To most he's just the Captain now and a good one at that. He won't admit it but he's missed being at the helm, it felt like home. [/indent] [h2][b]Equipment:[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Old Coalition Officers Uniform, pressed clean and kept in excellent shape [*] Coalition Gold Cross (kept in his desk drawer) [*] Service Revolver [*] A flask [*] A lighter [/list] [/color][/Hider] [hider= The Sirus, Aegis Class Light Crusier] The Coalition Light Cruiser Sirus [hider=Appearance][img]http://i66.tinypic.com/9rt05k.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [i]'Non semper erit aestas '[/i] The Aegis class was developed by Furukawa Heavy Industries in its third military outing for the Coalition. Designed off of the old Deterrence Class, this new line of ships was supposed to serve as the new rapid assault craft of the Coalition Navy. Designed for assault and rapid response the Aegis class aren't the biggest ships in the world but make up for it with strong engine capabilities and tight maneuvering. intended to act as the forward head of the spear, they acted as primarily as raiders able to move on positions quickly and do as much damage as possible in the quickest amount of time. Eventually though the Aegis Class was retired for better models that allowed for more armor plating and firepower without sacrificing too much speed. Most where either scrapped or retired to be part of the home fleets. The Sirus was once such of these crafts going to be made into spare parts when Terin using his connections in the Coalition Navy managed to acquire the old hunk of bolts and retrofit it into the Steel Hunters new base of operations. [h3][b]Layout:[/b][/h3] The heart of the Sirus is its Adamczyk Fusion Reaction, Tied to an efficient mag-grav sweep system and energy replacement channelers, the Adamczyk can sustain a ship the size of the Sirus for 18 months of minmal activity before refueling is required. Aft of the reactor section and the tankage is the Ships Resurgence drive providing the ship with ample speed at a continuous rate of over 3 G's easily. Within the engineering section also lies the ship's Faster Than Light Drive. By projecting two points across the galaxy by using calculations collected by galactic spanning communications arrays, the ship can jump from two points in space instantly accelerating up to and above 50 light years. Currently the Jump Delay is about 38 hours, lower than the UEE standard of 42 but still nowhere near some of the newer Coalition models with delays of merely 30 hours. Beyond the guts of the Sirus lay the flight deck, compared to most capital ships or even heavy cruisers, the decks on the Aegis class are a fairly cramped affair of winding tunnles that overlap atop and beneath one another with little seeming pattern. Amongst these include the crew bunks separated by gender, a small hangar and launching area for the MAS suits, the rest of the crew quarters including the Mass, a small recreation room among other things. The CIC stands at the top of the control mast protected by heavy plating. She ain't the preetiest ship in the galaxy, the best designed, or the best equipped but she flew well and that as good enough for the Stel HUnters. [h3][b]Weapons:[/b][/h3] Originally equipped to deal as much damage as possible without sacrificing too much in terms of size or weight, the Sirus can hit hard but not as much as many heavier military class vessels. Against modified civilian vessels, pirate ships and light military ships though the Sirus has shown its ability to shred through this craft with relative ease and are able to lay down at least heavy enough fire to gain the attention of bigger ships. The main weapons of the ship used most commonly in combat are eight heavy laser cannons four on each side of the "nose" of the Sirus with the ability to rotate a full 360 degrees. The Lasers link directly into the ship's capacitor reservoir firing a beam of light that is focused by a polished frequency crystal lens. Although the lasers have the potential to cause a great deal of damage they are somewhat limited by the electromagnetic nature of the energy beam. Lasers do not require ammunition in the conventional sense. As mentioned above, Lasers use polished frequency crystals to focus the light beam into a specific part of the electromagnetic spectrum (for example, radio or infrared) or to focus the beam intensely for maximum firepower (multifrequency crystals). Altering the laser beam in this way changes the effective range of the weapon allowing a pilot to "range in" on a target. The Ship also sports four flak cannons, these heavy cannons are loaded with shrapnel cartridges that upon launch exploded into several high velocity fragments. While the flak cannons don't do much against other ships against fighter and MAS a face full of shrapnel is a very strong deterrent. The Ship's main big gun though is a single Mass Acceleration Cannon mounted on the bottom of the ship and taking up most of the space down there with its firing mechanism. The operation principle of a MAC is that of a coilgun. The cannon fires a massive metal projectile using a linear system of magnetic fields coils down a long shaft, increasing the projectile's velocity until it carries an incredible amount of kinetic energy. The ship-based models use ferric, ferrous, or depleted uranium cores, while orbital platforms and station-based versions use ferric tungsten rounds. A standard ship-based MAC such as the one in the Sirus fires slugs of either ferric Tungsten or depleted Uranium and approximately 9.1 meters long at around 30,000 meters per second. The high muzzle speed gives the 600-ton slug the kinetic energy and momentum necessary to damage a target and partially mitigates the unguided nature of the slug and its lack of maneuverability. [h3][b]Defenses:[/b][/h3] Besides the Flak Cannons the Sirus has reinforced Myroar armour plate backed with an shock absorbent gel layer. While the combination does not provide the best in terms of protection it allows for a greater maneuverability while stain allowing the Ship to take direct fire for limited periods of time. What really backs the Sirus's defenses are the Coalition Heavy Shield Systems built into the protective layers of the ship. The Shields are much stronger than that of UEE make and provide able cover from at least a reasonable amount of laser and plasma fire. The Sirus in short isn't designed like a heavy battleship, it can't sit still and take the punches and just hit harder. It's man defense capabilities come in its maneuverability to get out of firing lines and keep the enemy target locks off of them. The Sirus was never intended to fight a capital ship head on and doing so would result in it becoming shredded by the massive power backed by them. [h3][b]Flight Deck:[/b][/h3] The flight deck and associated hanger bay is small affair cabale of holding up to two squadrons of light fighters and a few MAS at max. The hangar was specifically built in mind to haus Mas equipped with the proper restraints, catapult launchers and equipment to refuel and requip such devices. A cramped space with all the stuff in it at most times, forcing pilots and maintenance staff to get very comfortable with one another. The maintenance crew in the hangar stands at twenty strong with a mixture of mechanics that have worked on everything from farming equipment to military fighters. [h3][b]Crew Compliment:[/b][/h3] The ships company runs to 300 over all jobs and specializations, including a dedicated security detachment and pilots. 300 Souls ain't the biggest in the galaxy but it's more than enough to get the job done. [h3][b]Statistics:[/b][/h3] Length: 127.6m Width: 41.25m Depth: 41.25m Mass: 24,500,000 metric tons Crew Compliment: Current 300: Max 800 Jump Range: 50 light years Jump delay: 38 hours Endurance: 6 months [/hider]