[@ZB1996] That... That had been the second time today had asked about his wife. He wasn't angry about this, though he hated thinking about her, especially when he had seemed to find a safe haven. "[color=ed1c24]She... She passed away a while back. Not long after K...[/color]" He stopped himself, he was trying to respect his daughter's change in names. "[color=ed1c24]Kylie's, birth actually.[/color]" Hank showed little emotion, that was something he was generally good at. Though some emotions did show at times, all of which he wished he was better at controlling. These included, Anger, Being pissed off, Vengeance, or pretty much anything else that could cause him to lose it on someone. Hank took his spare hand off the handle to the blade, he saw no reason to use it. "[color=ed1c24]How about you Lydia? You here alone?[/color]"