[center][h1][color=9e0b0f]Will YOU Survive?[/color][/h1] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/a261/i/2011/234/5/8/zombie_apocalypse_southampton_by_devil_glonk-d477ivo.jpg[/img] 5/8 spots filled[/center] [i][b]The date is November 4th, 2015. Just another normal day.[/b] For the past few weeks, you've been hearing about some sort of virus that has been spreading around, almost always rendering fatal results. The affects of the virus have been kept under strict security by the government to prevent a panic. Although some juicy details have leaked out. This virus is rumoured to bring the infected back to life after they are dead. With zombie pop culture being the centre of attention and shows like The Walking Dead being at the height of their popularity, everyone is jumping at the possibility that this really is a zombie apocalypse. It's really happening! You ponder the idea, maybe you even talk about it with your friends, but for the most part, you think it's just another false hype that will die down once they've secured a cure. [b]But you're wrong.[/b] You awake the next day to a panic. Your home is completely evacuated of all other humans. Your family, your roommate, anyone. Your home, along with all the others in the area, cam under attack while you were asleep and your living companions died before they could wake you. Their corpses are in the living room, staining your grandma's hand made rug. Your city is infested with the undead. They lurk around every corner and you decide to go into the downtown because... what have you got to lose? They could have answers there, and that's where the radio is telling you to go. If you already live in the downtown, then you're already one step ahead of the others. Alone, you are left to fend for yourself with whatever skills and provisions you may have. [b]Will YOU Survive?[/b][/i] [b]Welcome to the zombie apocalypse! If you came here from the interest check, welcome back! And if not, it's nice to meet you! This is a zombie apocalypse role-play that you yourself will be put into, to test your abilities and skills to see how long you'd really survive in such a world. Think about your physical abilities and endurance. How long would you be able to run for? How well would you be able to take a beating? If you were to get in a physical skirmish with someone or with a walker, how would you be able to handle it? Think about your defensive and offensive skills as well as the weapons you currently possess. What are your firearm skills if you have any? How well can you use a melee weapon like a hammer or a crow bar? Do you currently own a gun? Knives? Any other weapons that you own? Other traits you possess will also be included in your "character" such as: your social skills, your ability to handle gore and violence, your personality, your ability to work alone or in a group, your morals and ethics, your views and opinions, your problem solving skills. It's all you, baby![/b] [hider=Das Rules] + Alright, so lets be cool about this. Be true and real to who you are. If you know you wouldn't be able to really take on three walkers at once and come out unscathed then [i]don't do it.[/i] If you know you'd probably gag at the sight of a decomposing body, then don't have your "character" casually glance at one and maybe fight one like it's an everyday occurrence. [i]Don't do it.[/i] If you know you'd probably pass out after running a quarter mile, don't run three miles without even breaking a sweat. [i]Just don't do it.[/i] I'm sure you all get my drift. + Let's all be nice in the OOC. We're all friends here. Or at least acquaintances. Don't be a dick. + If you leave unexpectedly without letting us know, you become zombie food. If you do let us know, we can work out an alternative fate for you. Regardless, be a pal and let us know if you decide to leave. + This is a casual level so 1-3 paragraphs is ideal. You are more than welcome to write more, just letting you know that 3 paragraphs is the most you will ever be expected to write. + I know not everyone reads the rules but hey that's just how things are. I'm not gonna be strict about it and say I won't accept you if you don't put in a code word that was embedded in the rules so I know you read them. But just to make things interesting...put "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" at the end of your submission if the spirit moves you to do so. You don't have to but... [center][img]http://memecrunch.com/meme/2199E/it-d-be-cooler-if-you-did/image.png[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=The Zombies] So in the interest check, we got some mixed opinions on what kind of zombies we should have. Personally, I'm more of a walker type of gal so I'm leaning more towards the slow shufflers with no special abilities. However, it was brought to my attention that we should at least have one different type of zombie (a running type) to make things interesting/challenging. Personally, I like this idea but I think if we were to bring it into play, it would be much later in the role-play. I think, for the beginning we'll stick to walkers. If, by the time we've got everything going and we're feeling the need for a challenge, we can bring some runners in but they'd be rare to come across. I was going to put a picture of a zombie here but this is what came up when I searched "walker" and I'm not one to argue with Google so....here's a walker. [center][img]http://www.actionmedical.ca/sites/default/files/pick%20up%20walker%20with%20wheels.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Please post your character sheet in the character tab and I'll "like" the post if you're accepted. [hider=Character Sheet] This is where you get to reveal yourself to the entire internet! Or at least a small, tiny, portion of it. Obviously some personal things can be kept private if you so wish, like age and name and parts of your bio. But I'd like the rest to be true to you. Wow me with how cool you are! Appearance: (You can find a face claim, describe your appearance or you could even plop a selfie here if you wish. It's up to you) Name: (Can be yours or a name close to yours or even a nickname. You can exclude last name if you wish) Age: (can be altered as well but keep it within 3 years of your actual age, just for accuracy) Skills/abilities: Disadvantages/flaws: Weapons: (we can acquire new weapons along the way but just for the beginning, I want you to only have weapons that you currently own. But be real about this too. If you have an entire set of kitchen knives, a shed full of sharp garden tools, and a garage full of supplies, I don't expect you'd be carrying it all with you.) Gear: Personality: Bio: (can be altered for security reasons) Anything rad about you that you want to include:[/hider] [hider=Location: Huntington, USA] Huntington is a fictional state located in north west America, near the Washington/Montana area, most likely bordering Canada for a few miles. Cold and snowy winters, rainy and late springs, moderately hot summers, chilly autumns. Major points in Huntington include: *Enapay (capital city) : city in mid state with the most development while still surrounded with a fair amount of trees. *Avonaco : second largest city in the state, closer toward the bottom of the state. Len Creek runs through it. Has a large bridge, the most famous in the state. *Low Valley : city to the south west of Enapay *Smith's Peek : town to the south of Enapay *Mount Blanc : the highest point of Huntington. Located in the farthest north (west) corner of the state. *Kitchi : small farm town directly above Milestone Lake *Milestone Lake : the largest lake in the state. Its in the mid west of the state. It runs off and becomes Len River then collects at the farthest south west corner of the state in a much smaller lake *Crow Lake : the lake that collects from Milestone Lake *Dunlop Forest : the largest forest in the state. Located along Len Creek and within 100 miles of Avonaco. *Slight Saw Forest : the second largest forest in the state. Located at the very top of the state. *Union : a city located at the farthest south east corner of the state that contains the major airport and train station *Schneider : town located along Len Creek, very close to Avonaco [img]http://www.windsorstar.com/cms/binary/4177627.jpg?size=640x420[/img] Enapay on a nice day. [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/73/Yellowknife.jpg[/img] Another view of Enapay [img]http://www.yellowdoglodge.ca/sites/default/files/1lodge.jpg[/img] Houses along Len River [img]http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/06/ea/09/4f/capital-suites-yellowknife.jpg[/img] Huntington residents enjoy summer at a beach on Milestone Lake [img]http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xd/176746909.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=F13A1F9190F00936A23FDB462A4828896D3670A82B37AA27A6853A96BA42D44575A26224612805F6[/img] Winter in Dunlop Forest (ignore the tipis) [img]http://images1.estatesincanada.com/nlarge/new_image_5430597.jpg[/img] A nice home in Kitchi [img]http://www.northernrockies.ca/assets/Residents/Images/NRRA%20-%20Airspray.png[/img] Airport at Union [/hider]