[img]http://i.imgur.com/q4B5ycC.jpg[/img][h3][color=violet]TEAM EGGPLANT[/color][/h3] Roy still found his time looking at the tree as Spook went around answering each others question, though at the point Spook could have answered his and he probably wouldn't even have noticed. The green haired woodcutter wiped away from of his tears, still sniffling at the site in front of him. As he reached down to pick up his items he found himself stopping himself immediately. He needed to touch this tree. Leaving his things and generally ignoring the words that was being said to him(A gesture that in his mind didn't seem rude in the slightest) Roy walked his way up the tree, holding out a shaky hand as a proceeded to touch the tree. The bark felt old, rich with history despite being so thin, and as he rubbed his hands against the wood he could almost read the tree as if a story was being read to him. [b][color=forestgreen]"You've seen a lot of the world haven't you."[/color][/b] The woodcutter whispered these words to the bark, still feeling the texture in his hands. It was at this stage that he was finished his euphoric gushing, but now he took the time to admire and respect what was before him. This tree wouldn't be something he would cut, not because the tree wouldn't accept its fate, but simply because it had so much more to tell. This was a tree who's journey would be to lead Travelers down the road out of Enn, to lead all of them to a new life. The others possibly looked at Roy as some sort of comedic entity and the tree as simply just a tree. But this just a tree entrusted a relationship with the woodcutter that the others simply couldn't understand. This encounter had filled the woodcutters heart. [b][color=forestgreen]"It was nice to meet you."[/color][/b] He left the tree with a whisper, heading back to collect his things and rejoin the others who had walked a little ways ahead of him. To them they probably assumed he would catch up(Which he did), however as he walked off he couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness. Sadness and determination. Picking up his ax, book, and a birdcage that POSSIBLY HAD THE ABILITY TO FIND TREES AND CHANGE THE WORLD FOREVER, the green haired woodcutter made his way back the group. He more specifically made his way back into the company of Emma and Lux, nudging the previous girls arm with his shoulder as apparently she enjoyed touching it. Did she say something to him earlier? However joining in the midst of the group the once loud commotion began to settle down, and soon the green haired woodcutter found himself face to face with the Traveler himself(herself...themself...?). Despite the ominous aura that the mask gave off, Roy found himself slightly calmed by the sight. He could tell that this was not a malicious character, but he couldn't really say why. [b]"Those are just the cheapest cages I could find in Enn,"[/b] he explained with a clearly displayed smile. Or that possibly could be just the mask. [b]"If it has any tree-finding properties, they're not my doing."[/b] Roy was a little broken hearted at the news, sure that he found a sacred relic that could have changed life itself. Still Spook hadn't ruled out the possibility entirely, however the woodcutter wasn't stupid when it came to these things. How could an old birdcage even hope to find trees, that entire concept was completely preposterous in itself. Roy simply craned his head and stretch the birdcage in the air, ax and book in all. Was there something else about this birdcage or... Almost on cue a symphony of birds began to cry out, and soon the thicket of leaves appeared to sway to the music of the world itself. Roy's eyes began to sparkle, growing wide at the sight before him. He of course was right, it was a silly notion to assume that this birdcage would find trees. However it clearly could find...music? Birds- no no that couldn't be right. [b]"This is Nearlight Thicket,"[/b] Spook said aloud, Roy realizing that the Traveler most likely was talking to him. So this birdcage finds Nearlight Thickets? [b]"Up there, is the Temple of Spring Whistling."[/b] Wait...so this birdcage finds Temple of Spring Whistling's? Roy couldn't quite understand the situation, his head still craned upward trying to understand more of what exactly he was looking at. The trees themselves were beautiful, however he was sure that they were hiding a secret from him. A secret that most likely would be shown to them by Spook, or possibly referenced and then never addressed again. No matter the case Roy felt awed to be in their presence, and took the time to mask himself in the trees and all of their glory. To others his eyes were closed with arms shot straight up. Roy could tell he would be becoming friends with all of them. [@Mokley][@Diggerton][@Skittles]