[b]Sasha[/b] [@Burthstone[ | [@Zarkun] | [@YipeeXD] | [@Lmpkio] | [@Lugubrious] | [@Demous][@Leslie Hall] Sasha watched what was happening, watching as Isabella dragged Lazarus over to bullet. Unsure of how she felt about that, Sasha followed. She kept silent, but looked to Bullet when he spoke. She flinched, an almost violent reaction, at the Ice queen comment, and it came crashing down on her why Karn's expression put her ill at ease. It reminded her of Edo-Karn, as did the Ice Queen nickname, so casually through out by a guild mate, even though she had made it her own. Why was Karn looking at her like that? Uneasy, Sasha tried to compose herself, [color=6ecff6]"Ah. Not much. I won my battle, sort of. You've missed a lot"[/color] She said, managing to keep her voice even, despite what was going through her head. [color=6ecff6]"I doubt we'dbe able to cover it all in the time we have before the games!"[/color] She managed a smile, and said [color=6ecff6]"I imagine you ave stories to tell too! Maybe after the games, or during them, we can talk, catch up!"[/color] She said, deliberately trying to be cheery, and as if nothing was wrong. [b]Time Lord[/b] [@Crimson Raven] Time lord couldn't say that the last few days had been truly satisfying, but he had managed to gather more intel, wondering on the course of events that had happened, on some of the guilds. Finding out that Jamie and Jarvis were the once well known, well known because of their works with magic in a time were it was still considered evil, was something he considered a Jewel. And the fact that they'd dabble in necromancy to get their daughter back was interesting as well. He had shujin on tap, and there was, hopefully, Sasha to help with discovering the island. He was one step closer. All his research, his own heritage, and he hadn't been able to find it himself. Perhaps it wasn't a simple matter of gathering information. Time Lord supposed he'd find out. Now, Time Lord sought a relaxing way to start the day, and thus headed to the baths. He very nearly almost turned away when he saw Ferrin. [color=aba000]"oh wonderful"[/color]