Siegfried leapt into the air, catching Regina from the dead demon's back, landing heavily. He set Regina down before standing with a sigh. "She's already headed on." he said, sniffing the air. "Let's catch up. It'd be faster if you get on my back." Whether or not the halfling took the offer to carry her, Siegfried would begin running fast, following Orchid's scent to the cave, leaving more gashes in the trees he passed to allow others to follow. Once at the cave, he cut one of the smaller boulders in half, letting people know this was the correct cave, before stepping inside, his skin and hair glowing softly in the darkness. "We don't have much time before this wears off." he said, walking quickly and carefully. He would follow Orchid's scent, hoping to find her. It took some tracking and his glow faded long before, his body beginning to ache afterwards, but he did eventually find the half-orc. "A bit hasty, aren't we?" he asked, coming up behind her. "You couldn't wait, could you? Now, what are we looking for?" he asked, looking at Orchid and, if she was there, Regina. "I can sense the dragon." he said, frowning. "It's asleep for now."