[@Rex] Name: Eindhart Black Age: 24 Gender: Male Deadly Sin or Holy Knight: Deadly Sin: Sin of Gluttony Magical Power: He's known for his great magics. He himself is able to use complex magics. Thus, making him a valuable companion and asset to the deadly sin. His famous spells are Absolute Cancel, which allows him to cancel most magic, completely erasing it from existence. However, difficult magics take more time to erase. Another one is Teleportation, allows Black to appear and disappear at precise locations and teleport groups of people instantaneously. However, it has a range limit, he can only teleports up to 2 miles away. Weapon: A small orb. From the orb, various spells come out such as Fireballs. Appearance: [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/5823085c027878cf36a48828f080e302/tumblr_nt1rnm1GI41tp3bgxo1_500.gif[/img]