[@Dawnscroll] No, no. I'm very much here. it is just taking longer than usual to get responses up. What I may end up doing is posting the main body of them soon, and potentially post yours a little later as you requested a longer response. [hr] [i](And yes, [b]it is a hell of a lot of work to juggle a generally busy week with writing quality responses, working on three collabs, approving characters, discussing lore with like 4 people simultaneously, working on requested longer responses for Clarent, responding to a fairly high volume of PMs (seriously, I logged on this morning and I had like 25 PMs.), talking to a few prospectives about joining, and trawling through the OOC.[/b] I wasn't around yesterday because of a work-related emergency, but hell, i'm still here. I won't ever abandon the RP, guys. I can promise you that. Sometimes it is just going to take a little time as the workload goes up and up. For this reason I got raven on my side to help with this sort of thing, but I haven't even discussed with them about co-writing responses and such yet; I will do, but it hasn't happened so far. I pour pretty much all of my free time into this RP, so just bear with, I am doing my best. Starless has become pretty much one of the most active advanced level RP's I have seen on this site, and almost certainly the most active and expansive advanced-level RP going currently. Also, consider that we have like 20 players. SO yes, I am here, I am alive. Give me time. If only I could GM full time, eh? ;) )[/i]