[quote=@UrbanEvolution] I'm very interested. Are we allowed to write up our characters using the skeleton you've used in your own sheets? Also, are there any rules I should be aware of? Such are the typical 'no blood manipulation outside of your own body' / 'no cosmic abilities'? I dont plan on running it, because people who do tend to have boring characters, but I think it should be covered if you can have a Power copier or not. Just because Delsin's the face of InFAMOUS at the moment. [/quote] Yes I go through and approve powers but to talk about past powers, I have seen the blood one and yeah the blood manipulation was only limited to that characters own blood. Cosmic powers probably be way to far out there to allow, and a power similar to Delsin is a no-no. Can people have same powers as someone else? Yes BUT I'm going to kind of cover the rule behind that since I much prefer seeing people with unique powers from one another rather then seeing twelve people running pyro abilities. If you want go ahead and use the character sheet, here I'll provide what is normally used so it will be made easier: [Hider=Character Sheet]Name: ( Name, pretty clear. Full name, nickname, etc. ) Age: ( Any age will be fine. As long as your character isn't 80 years or 6 years. ) Gender: ( Male, Female, or other. ) Appearance: ( What does your character look like? ) Side: ( inFamous or Hero? ) Personality: ( How does your character behave? ) Biography: ( What's your story? Are you a fresh release from Curdon Cay? Or a new conduit? ) Power: ( What do you manipulate? What do you control? Try to be creative in this category, not just fire, metal, water, air. Things like smoke or neon or video. ) Power-: ( What can you do with your powers? Summon angels? Shoot glass shards? It all depends on what you can manipulate. ) Other: ( Anything else I didn't cover? )[/Hider] There might be a few additions in the final post but this is what is usually used.