"Probably be a good idea, since your place isn't in the best of shape. I think with the money I'm going to get I might buy some new parts for my guns." Lanius said thoughtfully. "If it isn't in a really bad state I should be able to fix it. If not I probably could jury rig something." He said. Looking at her, he saw the looks she gave him after he mentioned that he didn't read the note. Giving a sheepish grin, he shrugged his shoulders. "sorry I got drunk." As Liv was telling him what the guy looked like he nodded his head. "So it's just some random piece of shit. Sounds pretty easy." Lanius stopped talking for a second and was deep into thought. "Actually I think I passed the guy on my way here. He was with a few people and they were mugging some guy in a alley. About three blocks or so from the Nexus. I think a total of three people were with him. I didn't see much but I believe at least two of them have a gun." Lanius then stood up and stretched his legs. Looking back at Liv. "Yeah I agree something feels weird about today. Looks like I should probably use a suppressor then. Lets get this job done then get out." Lanius said. Reaching into his jacket he pulled out a [url=http://i.ytimg.com/vi/pyghOqpD3rs/maxresdefault.jpg] small kalahnikov[/url] and attached a homemade suppressor that was made out of a flashlight and duct tape. Once it was attached he put the gun back into his jacket and started to make his way outside.