[center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/LightTitle3_zpszkuqp2fr.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider3_zpsg5bcaro7.png[/img][/center] [center][i][color=gray]Beneath the church They peacefully sleep; Eternal slumber in the deep; But a restless stiring is at hand; An ancient terror will sweep the land; The damned will rise, the dead will cry; The skulls will scream, the ghouls will sigh; All men will in madness rave; Of the tortured things from the unquiet grave[/color][/i][/center] [center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider3_zpsg5bcaro7.png[/img][/center] [center][b][h3]T H E S T O R Y[/h3][/b][/center] [i]In the Second Era of Ioeter, 437th year, the land was suddenly overran with the unnatural sight of the walking dead. They came out of graves, sewers, old battlegrounds, and ancient ruins as if beckoned to life once more - a magic that had been unheard of and only existed in theory until that very moment. Entire kingdoms were brought to their knees, villages razed to the ground, and families slaughtered without remorse. Normal men could only do so much against the unrelenting, never hungry, never tired, waves of skeletons and decomposing bodies, numbering far beyond any living army. Enter the Paladins. Warriors of all the good faiths, from men who devoted their life to their deity, to normal fighters given divine might as gifts of service - these were the weapons that allowed humanity to survive the darkest hours, blowing apart and draining the walking dead of whatever energy had given them life. They were the defenders and guardians of the living, but even in their numbers, they eventually learned it would never be enough to win the war. The land continued to darken and get colder, even in the far deserts to the south, as if the entire world was slowly being drained of life. The Paladins knew they could never be anymore than guards to humanity. Then rumors spread across the Paladin Enclaves that there was someone who could do [b]more[/b] than the Paladins, that they could cleanse the unnatural abominations completely - to purify them and return the dead to their rest. In the year 443, two Paladins were sent to a small kingdom, barely holding it's own on the outskirts of the onslaught to seek and to protect this [b]'purifier.'[/b][/i] [center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider3_zpsg5bcaro7.png[/img][/center] [center][b][h3]T H E I N T E N T I O N[/h3][/b][/center] First and foremost, this is a unqiue role-play idea, in that it's meant to be set-up as a sort of 1x1x1 romance and adventure. This is quite experimental, but I think it can be a lot of fun. The two players taking the journey with me will play as two Paladins - Sword Sisters - that are dispatched to protect a woman named the [i]'Purifier.'[/i] There will be plenty of character building information below, but this is as much as my story as it will be yours. In a sense, we will all be GMs - everyone is free to create kingdoms, towns, NPCs, and villains for their own use and for the other to use as well, requiring us to all be mature. While I might drive the overall plot, it's perfectly acceptable for one of the other players to introduce something that actually veers us off course, for whatever reason they'd like. Essentially this means that we can world build Ioeter together and make it a place that we all enjoy for different reasons. Of course, this is set more in medieval fantasy than anything else, so there is that limit to what can be done. Beyond this though, it's all for grabs. You can make anything from snowy barbaric tribes to bustling desert trade hubs. This is here for us to enjoy, together. If by any means, you have questions, always feel free to ask me! [center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider3_zpsg5bcaro7.png[/img][/center] [center][b][h3]T H E U N D E A D[/h3][/b][/center] [color=silver][i][b]Skeletons & Zombies:[/b][/i] The most common form of the walking dead. Though skeletons are far more common than decomposing bodies due to most of Ioeter's dead having already decomposed, both can be equally dangerous in different ways. While skeletons are far more mobile than their fleshy counterparts, zombies tends to have more endurance and normally last longer in combat because of this. Some consider zombies more dangerous while others find it easy to outmaneuver them. Typically either can either be wielding mundane weapons from swords to bows or nothing at all. [i][b]Skeletal Warriors:[/b][/i] While similar to lesser skeletons, these creatures seem to have retained some higher level of martial prowess and on top of wielding mundane weapons, it's not uncommon to see them wearing types of metal armor as well. Why they are different from their lesser cousins is a mystery, but there are a far bit more uncommon. [i][b]Revenant:[/b][/i] Even more frightening than the skeletal warrior is the Revenant. They are risen skeletons usually adorned in full plate of some kind and often wield great swords. While this alone is not a terrible thing, it's the speed, skill, and power they command that make them so fearsome. It's not unheard of to hear of entire battalions of knights being defeated by a single Revenant, even it's normal bone structure resistant to mundane weapons. [i][b]???:[/b][/i] There are always rumors of higher forms of undead in the battlefield, but reports are vague at best, since most men and women - even Paladins - do not seem to return from these mysterious encounters.[/color] [center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider3_zpsg5bcaro7.png[/img][/center] [center][b][h3]M A G I C[/h3][/b][/center] [color=f7cfff][i]Magic in Ioeter is normally from two main sources; either the gods themselves, counted as [b]divine[/b] magic or by study of the [b]arcane[/b] energies that flow through the world. For obvious reasons, wizardry is not an art form that is widely spread since it can take decades for some to even understand the simplest spell. Of course there are unique individuals that have an better, innate understanding of the arcane flows, but they are few and far between. Though not exactly more common than wizards, are those who are gifted with divine magic - usually in times of great need or when a deity chooses a champion. Of course, lately this has manifested in the form of Paladins, individuals gifted divine magics in martial forms to fight off the walking dead. Some say because of this surge of the gifted that the world is truly in great danger.[/i][/color] [center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider3_zpsg5bcaro7.png[/img][/center] [center][b][h3]C H A R A C T E R S H E E T[/h3][/b][/center] [hider][COLOR=lightgray][b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture and/or written description) [b]Name / Alias:[/b] (What is their given name - any nicknames?) [b]Age:[/b] (20-32 I think is a decent range) [b]Occupation:[/b] (Obviously, they are paladins, but in what capacity? Are they archers? Scouts? Weapon Masters? Brawlers? A Paladin can be anything martial related) [b]Enclave location:[/b] (Every Paladin belongs to an Enclave. Which one does yours reside in? It's fine if they are in different locations) [b]Personality:[/b] (If you want, this can be brief, but I tend to write at least a paragraph here - so long as all three girls can get together on a deeper level) [b]Likes:[/b] (I would suggest we all share at least one like between the characters, to give us a chance to form some sort of bond between them) [b]Dislikes:[/b] (Only requirement is that any dislikes don't drive a large wedge between any of the girls. A small wedge for drama is fine) [b]Deity:[/b] (What deity does your character follow or what deity has blessed them with their gifts?) [b]Abilities:[/b] (What sort of special divine powers does the deity grant them? Normally this is reserved to martial-type powers, such as imbuing a weapon with divine energy to do more damage to the undead, but this can be things like sensing undead from a distance or other utility powers as well) [b]Skills:[/b] (What skills do they have? Swordsmanship, archery, survival, cooking, scouting, etc. They may have one mastered skill and up to three artisan skills) [b]Background:[/b] (This can be brief as well, however I plan on writing a full background of my purifier character) [/color][/hider] [center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider3_zpsg5bcaro7.png[/img][/center] [center][b][h3]C H A R A C T E R S[/h3][/b][/center] • [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3117382]Joslyn Quinn[/url] by Lydyn • [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3121844]Lyra Andulin[/url] by Vee • [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3121854]Reina Lockwood[/url] by Amy [b][u]Stand-By[/u][/b] • [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3119639]Skeitha[/url] by rivaan • [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3118572]Jordani Pyriot[/url] by FallenTrinity • [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3117648]Soren Ashea[/url] by paracosm • [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3117835]Finch Avice[/url] by Termott [center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider3_zpsg5bcaro7.png[/img][/center]