[@Love Me Dead][@LPFan] [quote=@Foster] Will Taggart was a bit flabbergasted at Gabel's behavior, it was as though she was still expecting someone, some sort of authority she could recognize, and until then in her mind she was in charge of the house. Still, the girl was hungry, so was he. Her terms seemed reasonable as he volunteered to operate the stove and make sure not to waste a single precious drop of water boiling-over. Since she was in the room he decided it was a good time to get to know their hostess: "So, you waiting for anyone to come pick you up? I heard over the radio there was an aid-station in Wilmington being run on 8th street. They claim to have food and barricades. Doesn't sound like the safest place, but maybe they got sidetracked over to there and lost hope?" [/quote] *fist-bumped from 2 weeks ago*