[h3]Click... Click... Click...[/h3][hr] The man's self-interested pacing was cut short as the pink haired mage coughed. His nervous pacing stopped as he looked towards the mages. A brief period of silence was cut short by the aggressive nature of one of the men. He had pushed his way to the front. Rather than the chubby man in a suit being paranoid, it was much more as if he was upset at the entire ordeal. The man listened to what the light-haired boy said. After a brief recollection of the chubby man's pride, he began to answer those questions. [color=f7976a][b]"I, am Gered Profiteur. I am the owner of this mansion. I don't quite need to introduce myself, as there are only 10 minutes until [i]it[/i], so I'll make it short."[/b][/color] He said. His voice was prideful. He spoke in such a manner that was much more composed than he actually was. [color=f7976a][b]"6 weeks ago, one of my... business partners had received a letter. It stated he would be murdered at midnight. Of course, men of my caliber get death threats every day, but by the next morning, he had been slain. Another week passed, and the same thing happened to my second partner. Not to long after, we began to buy the service of guards. Needless to say, that didn't help. The next morning, everyone had been slain. Since then, I am the only one left. Until recently, I thought I was safe. Until one week ago. I had received this letter.[/b][/color] Gered had said. Once he finished his background upon what was happening, he took out a letter from his coat pocket. The letter seemed to be scrawled on with a child-like writing, as if the hands that held the pen didn't know, or couldn't, hold onto it properly. The letter read "Midnight. One week. We are coming." It was quite a contrast for such ominous words to be written so childishly. [color=f7976a][b]"If I survive through this day, I will see that each of you will receive one fourth of this room's treasure. Each one of these objects is a priceless artifact that is exceedingly special."[/b][/color] It was true. The objects in the room were absurdly expensive, some even fetching up to twenty million jewels by themselves. Each artifact seemed to be enchanted by some sort of mystical, ancient magical energy. It also seemed as if none of the artifacts had any sort of combat use. [color=f7976a][b]"Also, I shall give you each 5... No, 10 million jewels along with it!"[/b][/color] He said. He didn't know what else to say. That was it. He looked back at the clock. Its loud clicking filled the room with an air of paranoid solemnity. 5 minutes until midnight. [color=f7976a][b]"I do not have anything further to say, as there are 5 minutes left until midnight. Any questions?"[/b][/color]