[@BlackPanther] Maxi gave Malcolm a salute when he mentioned that he was getting sleepy and would talk to him in the morning. Maxi was sleepy but since he was stoked that someone actually agreed to team with him, the news boosted him up to want to have a full on conversation in to getting to know his new teammate. Lavender was with Salem while she cuddled him, sleeping soundly. Maxi fluffed his pillow and looked at the ceiling for a little while just thinking about all that they could get into. Oh! but he still needed to get Lavender to the refuge spot that he knew but they'd have to hash the plans in the morning as he eventually fell asleep. [u]THE NEXT DAY[/u] With the sun hitting his face, Maxi opened an eye, groaning like a child who didn't want to get up for school. Laying there for a few moments and blinking wildly until his eyes came to accustom to the light, Maxi sat up and yawned, giving himself a little stretch. Maxi stood, stretching again and scratching his stomach, looking around before needing to wake Lavender....if she wasn't already awake. Maxi went to go and check on Lavender to get her ready and to join Malcolm to start their new day off. --------------------- Bastian started his morning after his recuperation from yesterday, with a morning ritual of calisthenics to get his morning right. He was going to start a new day in searching his continual pursuit of either Cain or any other Witch or Wizard he runs into. Shortly after workout, Bastian went to gather and replenish his weaponry so to be at the ready to handle anything that was to come his way this time round.