Appearance: [img][/img] Height: 5'4 Weight: 130 pounds Name / Alias: Soren Ashea/ Ash Age: 22 Occupation: Ash began her career as a scout, her small stature making it simple for her to sneak into enemy territory unnoticed, but when the war took a turn for the worst, she became an archer in order to help defend the survivors. Enclave location: Ash belongs to the Crystal Enclave, which works in defense of the Frozen North. Personality: Ash is very calm and quiet. She enjoys observing others, taking note of their body language rather than believe their words. She tries to extend kindness to all, including her enemies, though she will not hesitate to do what is necessary. She is slow to anger and slow to excite. She tends to show her emotions only in the slightest of ways. Likes: -Evergreens -wildlife -gold (Ash has an affinity for things that glitter) -she has a soft spot for children -the color blue Dislikes: -heat (having grown up in the North) -industrial areas -Loud noises or commotion -imperfections in fresh snow -birds Deity: Vhanis, protecter of life, beauty and tranquility Abilities: when barefoot, Ash walks in silence, Ash's arrows briefly stun undead enemies. Skills: Ash is a master of sneaking. She moves silently when barefoot and is still nearly undetectable in full armor. She is an advanced archer and is proficient in crafting. She also has a bootknife which she is capable of attacking with in close combat but is not particularly skilled. Background: When the dead began rising from their graves, Ash's mother and father tried to fight back. In the small ice fishing village of Shi'Hai, there were no trained warriors. The fishermen fought back with large hooks and rods and the women wove their nets in attempt to trap the grave walkers. Those who fought fell quickly. By the time the paladins arrived, there were few survivors. They gathered the orphans, Ash among them, and gave them sanctuary in the Crystal Enclave. Many of the boys were trained as warriors, sent to the front lines when hope was still rational. Most did not return. The girls were not required to fight, but many did. The woman who took care of Ash became her mentor. She taught her to step lightly, spreading her weight evenly through out her feet, and how to breath softly so as not to be heard. The old woman would take her to Vhanis's temple every morning before they began the daily chores. This continued until Ash came of age to join the efforts. She prayed to the deity Vhanis for courage and peace. Vhanis in turn blessed her with silence. For several years Ash infiltrated enemy territory, taking note of their numbers, rate of decay and mobility. When it became evident that the war was lost and that there would be no more direct attacks on the enemy, Ash realized her skills were no longer needed. She instead turned her attention to the archers. They taught her well, being patient when she failed and encouraging when she succeeded. Eventually she joined their ranks. After several years fighting amongst them and raising in rank until she became the leader of her regiment, she was called for an assignment. A long forgotten warmth trickled into her as she learned of a new hope. She gathered her gear, asked for Vhanis's blessing, and set off in search of it. (I was unsure of certain things, such as the deities and Enclaves so I made some up)