[@paracosm] - Hey, just a thought, but are you sure you didn't want a more offensive power? I don't mind that being her one power, though I did envision most warriors having some sort of offensive to them - maybe like blessing arrows that do more damage to all undead or certain types? Just a thought. Otherwise she seems nice. Also you can post her image directly by putting; [code][img]http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t455/chrissiparacosm1221/Mobile%20Uploads/tumblr_mn9kloQy5E1s9jdj8o1_500_zpshdino34u_edit_1446771379987.png_zpszqoehsjq.jpeg [/img][/code] [@Termott] - Very interesting character. Her character seems pretty straight-forward and simple. ^.^ Oh, just a title. All Paladins refer themselves as Sword Sisters/Brothers. Still waiting on a couple potential character sheets. Someone in the guild chat said they are working on one and I have a feeling [@Amy] might be working on one too, so I'm going to wait a bit still. ^.^ Also done with Joslyn's character sheet.