[@Kingfisher][@Durandal] Horatio Drake, having satisfied his bloodlust for now, was [i]so close[/i] to ignoring the cries of help from some fleshy wench - eager to be back aboard his own vessel, back into space, and back on course with his entire life! - the only problem being that he [b]did[/b] know the name Blissponis and, while the rest of the Blissponii were no longer with the living, making this...girl...more of an outcast than anything, she could be useful in some capacities. Not only this, but there were now a number of seats free on his shuttle, although she would likely take up two of them. "You," he called to one of his Armsmen over the sounds of violence all around, "set your vox-unit to amplify, and hand be that receiver." After being given the receiver by his voxman, and with as haughty a tone as he could manage, Drake was pleased to hear his own words cut through the surrounding noise. "You, fat lady! If you and your companions wish to accompany me, then please waddle over here immediately." For a moment he thought again, glancing at other isolated figures spread across the platforms of the space port, gesturing for his voxman to turn the volume up as he spoke again, continuing to backpeddle toward his shuttles open ramp even as he yelled, "if there are those that wish for freedom, and possibly life, make your way over here with all haste! This is your [b]final[/b] chance." That was it, there was no more to be said, he looked about to make sure his Navigator was with him - luckily he was, although apparently in no fit state for any further combat - and then waited impatiently at the open rear of his shuttle. From time-to-time he picked out targets that revealed themselves, picking off those that showed their ugly faces with relish, and waiting for those that would come.