[center] [h1] A Hasty Goodbye [/h1] [/center] [i]"You, [b]fat lady[/b]! If you and your companions wish to accompany me, then please [b]waddle [/b]over here immediately." [/i] Keeping her slick, charm-filled smile plastered across her face, Nisvillia frowned inwardly. She'd been putting up with remarks such as this for her entire life, but her time spent as a fairly reputable mob boss had gifted her with a reputation which meant that folks were less likely to run their mouths off about how '[i]utterly gigantic[/i]' she was. [i]"If there are those that wish for freedom, and possibly life, make your way over here with all haste! This is your final chance."[/i] No waiting to hear what her Pysker ally had to say, Nisvillia strode on through the bursts of fire and smoke which hissed and rumbled all around her, her thick thighs brushing against each other as she made her way over to the shuttle. The young redhead was still all done up in her black and white dress, and looked awfully out of place amidst all of the blood and carnage. "You have my thanks," Nisvillia wheezed, struggling to speak through raspy breaths. Her skin was peppered with sweat, and her cheeks were flushing bright red. "Wherever we're heading to next, I'll be glad to see the back of this wretched place."