Safi had followed the metal priest to what was apparently the Landing Zone after said priest had beckoned him to follow, referring to him as a Skitarius, and thumped away on his metal stomps. ‘’Time is money,’’ Safi muttered to himself as he started moving somewhat faster the close the distance between him and his machine-employer. Despite having something like anvils for feet, he sure moved fast. Plus, it seemed as if things were going to get quite rough. By the time Safi and Mister Tinker had gotten to where the Rogue Trader was supposed to be, there was already a bloodbath. Safi immediately took cover behind a wall and just decided to wait it out. The best sort of firefight was the one that you weren’t in, he knew this well at his age. This cautious course of action was also the thing that had kept him alive throughout those brutal years. ‘’[i]Just wait it out.[/i]’’ However, his plans of staying put were immediately thrown into the garbage bin when the tremors of distant explosions started shaking the wall Safi was hiding behind, and some armed gangsters started showing their faces. Where was the Tin Man? He couldn’t see. He had to leave. It was nice to be paid, but it was better to be alive, after all. As the shootout started to subside, however, Safi decided that it was safe to peek out and see what was happening. Unsurprisingly, the Rogue Trader and his retinue were retreating back to their shuttle. ‘’[i]Smart man,[/i]’’ Safi thought to himself as he rushed out of his cover. Disregarding the man’s conversation with a fat, pudgy woman who seemed to share a common interest with Safi, he let his gun sling from his shoulder as he raised his arms and started shouting to make sure he wasn’t seen as a cocky hostile amidst the carnage. Better safe than sorry, he had always thought, and he wasn’t trying to give off the impression of a hardass anyway. [b]‘’Don’t shoot! Friendly! Don’t shoot!’’[/b] He could feel the scorching heat of plasma and lasguns all around his body as he kept rushing. ‘’This was a very stupid move, Safi,’’ a voice in the back of his head told him. He knew that keeping up the act in the middle of a shootout was not going to end well for him, but his survival instinct was not going to stop. ‘’This ain’t dodgeball, Safi, it’s a bad day in Bosnia!’’ What a Bosnia was, Safi did not know, but he respected his survival instincts, since it had a library full of experiences from past ancestors etched in his genes to cite from, so he decided to throw himself into the safe side as fast as possible. Somehow, his mad dash through no man’s land had worked. Safi spent about a few seconds thinking he was probably shot, but it appeared all was well. He quickly got up to a crouching position and huddled over to one of the Armsmen next to the Rogue Trader trying to board the ship. [b]‘’Friendly!’’[/b]