Name: Karl Shadowthorn Appearance:[img][/img] Age:23 Gender:Male Race: Wood elf Rank:Templar Personality: Karl is as good hearted and caring as you can get. He will help anyone and everyone if he can as long as their intentions are not for evil. Karl only talks when talked to or if he gets completely smashed off his arse. But like all good people Karl has a dark side, if any of his fiends are killed in front of him Karl loses all sense of control going into a berserk rage. Bio:Karl's past is dark and terrible. His parents killed while he was young, leaving him orphaned and alone. The orphanage Karl lived at was horrible, he and the other kids where worked, beaten, and starved. One day at the age of 13 Karl being one of the older kids in the orphanage watched as a group of drunkards wandered into the orphanage and in a drunken stupor raped and killed three eleven girls, outraged Karl attacked them, but his attempts to fight he was beaten,knocked down,and nearly killed, but in his rage and a termination to avenge those girls he rose and tackled one of them men grabbing a broken bottle that had been dropped by one of the drunks Karl stabbed the man he had tackled until the man lay dead, the other men saw this and ran terrified by what this malnourished half dead child was able to do. After that Karl was kicked from the orphanage forced to live in the streets, found by a kind old lady Karl war nursed back to health. After living with the women for seven years Karl had heard about the Order and made it his goal to join and become a force for good and right. It took him three years but finally Karl was able to reach the rank of Templar although it was the lowest rank Karl knew he was on his way to becoming that which he wanted most to be, a solider for good. Weapons: Long sword, Short sword, Crossbow. Magic: Restoration Other: Karl gets nervous to women he finds attractive, especially red heads. Theme Song: N/A