[@Izuriel Steam] Character overall pretty solid. Most problems are more logistical. Also I totally understand if you don't like it(the trainer creator). Not everyone does. I've just gotten really used to it and now how to customize things. I've combined items to get what i have up there, and other times I actually to photoshop them for special custom details. "based on a combination of skill and service" you do not get promoted for a single event. It would boost you along, but 1 feat =/= 1 promotion. He'd be promoted for having being a good trainer, and then moved up with the whole group (they tend to promote in groups for low ranks. Silver plus it's more specific. Think like graduations.) Largely it's just down to that moving from Oak to bronze is rather easy. As I suggested before Linnoh would be better as a bronze trainer close to ranking up to silver. Basically I'd suggest you move this to when he is bronze, and then it'll get him in the eyes of Jaklo for being promoted, but you don't just suddenly go bronze to silver. There's a bunch of new training that comes with rank ups and new things are allow (ex. traveling far out to other towns, access to the armory, new tools and items). As for commendations a title specific to himself and his own trophy seem a bit much. Perhaps instead that "Healing Hand" is a trophy that is established in town and handed out for these situations. Likely they'd have a plaque of others who have received it and Linnoh would have his name engraved on it. He might get a little metal for his official regalia, and a small plaque for himself sure I suppose. Really the only problem is the "rich" families. You can't really be "rich" in this society. It's still very much egalitarianism as soon as things get out of balance we could all get wiped out. Not to mention money is in small circulation it's not like we print a ton more all the time. economically you can't be rich in a world like this without others being super poor. It's almost like that ideal communist idea where there is one social class since everyone needs everyone else to live. There just isn't room for the rich everyone has to work and everyone needs everyone elses products. The actually character and background is great, it's just little specifics that don't quite make sense (And maybe you can make sense with them and then I'll redact my thoughts.) Only other problem is Blight's ability makes no sense. oddish has no relation to lightning in anyway. Mega Sceptile is the only grass pokemon with that ability, and that's because he's the king of the trees (and a christmas tree himself) the tallest thing in forests which often get struck by lightning before other things. Oddish is a raddish I could see a kind of ground ability because it lives in the ground, but lightning rod is way out there. Concise: You don't just rank up from one act. It's a long process that combines act like those, time, and skill to see if you are ready to handle the new challenges of the next rank. "Healing Hand" would be better as a trophy given to any trainer who aids the town through medical expertise. Little trophy and it gets him in good standing with Jaklo. There aren't any rich since the small survival economy requires a focus on shared effort and resources. There is no room for an upper class nor is there the money/economy to support an upper class. No lightningrod for Oddish. You can rebut any of these if you explain reasoning. EDIT: is orchids a typo for orchards or did you mean orchids? Also I love when people go beyond what I ask for. the whole skills and equipment is very nice. Wish I wasn't so lazy about that :P so many things so little time to make them fancy. I was reading Jaklo’s stuff again and realized i broke my own rules. I did put firm that jaklo ranked up for a single event. The scale is different though. Massive ecological disaster vs spreading flu (a nasty one yes, but not a pandemic going to endanger all life.) So i need to make edits. I think from platinum up its for great feats since there isnt as much to learn so much as there is to do epic things for the community and earth.