Kassey made sure all of her things were securely loaded into the RV before filing in behind everyone else after Aaliyah finally arrived and everything was ready to roll. Kass was already getting antsy as she followed somewhat impatiently into the RV, bouncing on her toes as she did so. "You guys, this is going to be awesome." She grinned widely and finally made her way into the RV, taking a spot on one of the couches that lined the outer edge of the vehicle. She tried not to fidget too much, lest she annoy the friends that sat beside her. Last thing she wanted was to get sandwiched between them to hold her still from the habit of bouncing her leg. The music came over the speakers and the RV began to move, and finally they were on their way. Of course, they had one more pit stop. Couldn't leave without the full squad! TJ was a bit tricky to convince, but Kassey figured that when they showed up with this big ass RV packed with people, she couldn't easily say no. Hell, if she had to Kassey would go inside and drag TJ out herself. She occupied herself by playing on her phone and making mild chit chat with her companions until she felt the RV come to a stop. Riley honked the horn and Kassey looked over her shoulder to see if TJ was going to come out willingly or not. "We may need to use a little more forceful persuasion to get 'er out here. And by that I mean borderline kidnapping." Kassey looked around with raised eyebrows. It was a shame TJ didn't seem to want to hang out with the group as often anymore, but Kassey wasn't the type of friend to let someone slip out of their tight little group. She knew it was annoying at times, how concerned she seemed to be with everyone and everything. Unfortunately, she couldn't help it. It was in her nature to be loyal to a fault. So, if annoyance will keep her closest friends together, so be it. It has worked this long, after all.