Name: Charles Alucard Age: 15 Gender: Male Race: Vampire Appearance: [img][/img] House: [img][/img] Skills/abilities/traits; Skills: Great at leading groups/businesses, using odd weapons - more to develop Abilities: Illusion and Conjuring Traits: Smart, Bit charismatic. History/Backstory: Charles was born as a vampire, a pure-blood unlike some vampires, he has been expected to do many things for his family, for they believe they are decedents of a legendary vampire, wither it's true or not that's unknown. When he was young he was given the family Harlem an artifact, a ring that extends across his finger, but this ring has a special ability but he has yet to discover it. He was forced to study at an extremely young age, for many things, his only going to school for two reasons, 1 to socialize, and 2 to try and strengthen the bonds between species. Other: He is extremely nice when it comes to females, but could care less for other dudes. Leads a small gang/group, which he spends most of his time with after school unless he makes other plans.