I don't think this really needs that much explaining, but here is what ya'll probably need to know... The year is 1865, the American Civil War has just ended with victory for the Union and the Confederate south has been defeated. In the west, along the frontier, pioneers, settlers and U.S. Army personnel begin to push forth once more - the permission of their government and their manifest destiny giving them all the rights they need to do so. Our posse begin their journey(s) not in the west, however, but in the still-wild independent state of Texas. Close to the agreed border with Mexico, and as lawless as any other developing state in the U.S., it is the perfect place to find a mingled band of misfits - lawless or otherwise - for some quick shootin' and fast drawin' adventures in the Old West. In short, I'm looking for a group (large or small) to join me in some character developing, plot advancing, revolver slinging hijinks; fans of such programs as [i]Deadwood[/i], [i]Hell on Wheels[/i], [i]Raw Hide[/i] and even [i]Little House on the Prarie[/i], as-well-as [b]any[/b] of the hundreds of Western genre films will be especially welcome [b]and[/b] probably enjoy it the most. So, do I have any willing volunteers? If I do, just gimme a yee-haw!