Liv nodded thoughtfully at this information; at least they knew what they were getting into now, which certainly made their job an awful lot easier, but the mention of firearms worried her. Guns didn’t play nice melee fighters like Liv, and were always dangerous, regardless of the skill of the shooter, they could easily give you fifty new holes by the time you got anywhere near them. And if there were two, the second she took on out, the other would get her in the back of the head. It was situations like this that made her glad she didn’t work on her own anymore, “Sounds simple enough, we should probably try to avoid hitting the poor sod they were beating up though,” She thought, idly pulling out a delicate looking butterfly knife from her pocket, “I’m thinking you should probably take out the guys with guns, whilst I slip round the back and take out the ones who aren’t likely to shoot me between the eyes?” Liv followed as Lanius made his way outside, her sense of smell heaving a sigh of relief as a blast of fresh air hit her square in the face. She tucked her hands into her armpits briefly, making sure not to cut herself, and made of few shuffle-ey sort of movements, trying to keep warm. “Come on,” she murmured under her breath, “let’s get this thing over with before I turn into a Liv-flavoured ice lolly.” She made to head in the direction Lanius had indicated, but was stopped suddenly by a sound in the distance. Bullets, several by the sound of it, and in the direction they were about to head. “Shit,” she turned to Lanius, “D’you think that’s got anything to do with our guy?” her brow furrowed with worry, she certainly hoped it didn’t, but they’d probably find out soon enough anyway, and hopefully without either one of them getting hurt.