John looked over as a voice approached, it was raspy and sickly [i]A ghoul[/i] He knew instantly. "Aye it's nice I guess, for a shit hole" He said with a chuckle. He passed by a door and looked in it. "Anyways, I can't talk really right now, I assume you are new to Liberty Island, havent seen you around.." He paused his search and looked at him "Seems we are getting quite a few new comers as of lately" He said. "I know the Mayor Bentworth would be pleased to meet you" He said quickly pushing past the ghoul and into the next room. [@Eviledd1984] As John continued down the halls he kept looking in every room. "God damn it where is Aydon" He whispered to himself just has he bumped into him coming around the corner. "What the hell Aydon, I told you to deliver the letter i gave you to the general. It had details on the raider problem and how to solve it, meant to be brought to Bentworth." He said quickly looking in the eyes of Aydon. "They..They took Brandy" Brandy was Aydon's little brother, always snooping around the outside fences, it was bound that one of these days he was to be killed or taken. A young boy by himself outside Liberty is a easy take for the Slavers Guild. "Who?" John replied he looked over his shoulder, he didn't want to make a scene. "I don't know.." He replied quietly looking down. "Damn it Aydon" He pushed hims forward and they head out the door.