[quote=@Vongola_Hasayo] [center][b][u]About This RPer[/u][/b] ¤You can call me Hasayo ¤I'm a casual Rper so 1-2 paragraphs is fine with me though I can write quite a bit when I'm really inspired. ¤I RP with anime style to my writing. ¤2-3 replies a week is what I'm hoping to get as well as give. ¤I'm highly interested in others ideas so if you like mine but have one you've been craving to do feel free to suggest it. Well, on with the plots~ [hider=I Just Want To Draw | Status: Open] Kaito is an awfully timid young man trying to become a mangaka. He has talent but he's been too scared to show his work to any editors. Then one day he bumps into a woman on the streets and runs off. Due to his anxious attempt to get away the woman ends up going home with a copy of his work. She turns out to be the chief editor of an up and coming manga company. Kaito gets a call and she tells him she likes his work and might want to hire him. When they meet in person the woman finds herself interested in more than just his work. Then, he catches the eye of a co-worker and/or assistant to the chief editor his age. Suddenly, this timid young man finds himself in the middle of a love triangle. I'm looking for two partners for this one or if you're willing to play both roles that's fine too. [/hider] [hider=Fairy Tail: Homecoming | Status: Open] A young boy used hang around the guildhall of the most famous, or infamous depending on who you asked, guild in Fiore. Fairy Tail. He wasn't a member but he loved the warm atmosphere and exciting aura that filled the place. He admired the wizards and dreamed of becoming one himself despite his fragile body. He was always sick and weak but the guild members still treated nicely and welcomed him like any other kid. Then one day his older sister decided to move away from Magnolia so that he could be in an environment where his health could improve which meant he wouldn't be able to visit the guild anymore. Upon hearing the news the guild members just smiled and said, "Why the long face? We'll be here when you get back~" He was overwhelmed. To them this wasn't goodbye. They expected him to come back. To them he had a member for quite some time now. With tears streaming down his face he declared, "I PROMISE TO COME BACK! BECAUSE FAIRY TAIL IS MY HOME! I'LL COME BACK A STRONG WIZARD! I SWEAR!!" Nine years later he did. So there ya have it. Upon returning to the guild he's a full fledged wizard but he's still a greenhorn when it comes to taking on jobs and combat with other mages. The responsibility of being his mentor is an female wizard a couple years older. Either she's been apart of the guild since he left or some time after. Maybe he had a crush on her back in the day; the details can be discussed. Overall this is a Mentor x student plot. [/hider] [hider=Soul Eater: If It's To Save Lord Death | Status: Open] The DWMA is experiencing the biggest crisis it's ever had. Lord Death is dying. An extremely powerful witch has managed to place a curse on the grim reaper and now his life force (death force? eh whatever...) is diminishing day by day. Those left in charge have determined that there are two options: retrieve a magic tool that could possibly save Death's life or kill the witch who cursed him. Unfortunately, most of their top meister and weapon pairs are out on other important missions. Since the witch is too dangerous for the teams that are left their fastest option is to track down the magic tool. Still that mission is a daunting task in it's own regard and the pairs left aren't ready for it. Their last option is to pair their top students who have yet to find partners. Only problem is...they aren't too fond of each other. Can these two overcome their differences to save Lord Death and maybe become something more in the process? Meister or weapon, either role is fine with me so not much to work out here. This will be a journey type RP as the duo track down the magic tool. [/hider] So, there are my plots. Feel free to share your own and PM me if you're interested~ ^.^[/center] [/quote] Hasayo, I'd love work with you! These plots are great, I was really interested in doing something on Soul Eater for the longest time and your plot idea sounds fantastic, I'd love to be the weapon to your meister. I was interested in the first plot too but I hope you'll like me enough to start and finish your Soul Eater plot and my pacing is like yours too so that helps! There will be times where I'll reply like fireworks though but don't expect to keep up, I just get that passionate. ;)