Darius was unconscious in a heap near a rock, Xavier's gaze shifted away from the male to the girl and the rearing unicorn. "The hell did you do to him?!" The shriek did nothing to calm the frightened unicorn, with a sigh and anot easy flick of his wand, Xavier silencer the next words that were bound to come from the hysterical blonde. "What did I do? You daft girl, look at what he did to that poor unicorn. He had no right to throw a rock, let alone start laughing when it sent our fellow fourth-year classmate sailing it the air. He deserved it, mythical creatures are to be protected, not treated like they aren't special or that they don't mean anything. Abusing them is a crime." His voice had never risen, it remained calm and montane as he spoke, his classmates however backed up a step and paled drastically. Anger was evident in his tone, his amber eyes scaneed each student before dismissing them, Bridget stepped foresee and raised her wand. "You freak! You shouldn't be here, not when your-" Bridget fell silent as a large, warm hand fell on his sboulder and squeezed. "Wand down, Miss Evangelion. I want you and Miss Alexandria to take young Darius to the Hospital Wing immediately. For his act against both the unicorn and a fellow classmate, I can eighty points from Gryfindor. For Xavier' defense of both and quick spell work as well as his words, I award Gryindor twenty points. Now away." Xavier turned and watched as Professor Hagrid ushered the two girls and unconscious boy back towards the castle, turning and slowly making his way towards the girl and unicorn. Taking a deep breath and calming the anger coiling in his stomach, Xavier raisedhis hands slowly and whistles softly under his breath. A silver flute appearing in his hands, he befins to play a tune that calms most creatures as well as human down. He composed it years ago, for a friend he couldn't remember anymore. [@Elorwin]