[color=0072bc]Andrew walked into the the main area of the club. God, was it always this bright? There was a reason he never went to places like this. He had given all the stuff he had found to the rest of the squad, and now he had been told to go in here and wait for a hour or two until the bodies had been dissolved in one of the old vats of acid they almost certainly kept under this place. He looked around, before slowly walking over to the bar, not failing to notice the white powder on some of the tables. [i]"God, even Nexus are letting the lost's dealers in now...what happened to them?"[/i] Passing over his thoughts, he sat at the bar, catching the eye of the barman. "D..do you have ice cream?" he stuttered. The barman looked at him for a moment, as if he was processing what this strange young man had just said. "Pardon?" he asked. "Ice cream. Its...creamy ice. Or something. Im not sure how they make it..." he trailed off, before looking up at the barman again. The barman paused, and turned around, heading for the freezers. While Andrew sat around idly, he noticed several other people sitting at the counter. He looked at them for a minute, wondering if they were nexus soldiers. They didn't look familiar...but something about them made Andrew think that they were not just normal partygoers. He then realised he was staring at them, and had been doing so for the last minute. He looked away, blushing. [i]"I hope they didnt see me..."[/i] [/color] _______________________ [color=ed1c24] Several hundred metres away, on top of one of the nearby buildings, two figures crouched, both holding a pair of extremely compliated looking binoculars. One slowly twisted a dial on the side of his set, making a small click as it took a photograph of what they were looking at, and sending said photo to a military computer. THe binoculars cost over two hundred thousand units each. These were not the usual figures that might be seen on top of buildings. One looked at his partner, and held a small comm bead to his mouth. "Second recon team reporting in. Exterior defences covered. No word for the interior recon..." [/color]