[h2]Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel[/h2] [@Caits] [color=aqua]"Untrue. Your kitty scares him too. All the time. I swear, we have a little contest between us of who can scare Master more."[/color] Prince purred in amusement. Humming a little, before giving a amused chuckle as Michael basically praised him. [color=aqua]"Mhmm perhaps. But that would require a healthy diet and nourishment. Plus, people wouldn't take so kindly to a powerful charm wizard. Imagine, if I was S class. I could bend your heart to whatever I desire. Wouldn't be so fun mhm?"[/color] he chuckled, waving to everyone he passed, ears twitching a little as Michael expressed concern. [color=aqua]"Mikey, how far would you go to help someone you cared about? Would you do anything? Would you take that chance of possibly ruining their life? Or... ruin someone else? Completely break another person just so your special person can live? Even mess with laws that are never meant to be broken? Mhm... seems a lot of that is happening lately. Messing with fate and death. Not a nice combination."[/color] The tall feline mused with a smile. [h2]Karn || Heading to the Arena[/h2] Karn continued walking, eyes darting around in examination. His head felt heavy with the atmosphere, all the colors and just new sense of world. It was almost nauseating. Or maybe that's side effects. He didn't quite get to experience possible ill outcomes of this predictament. Was his sickness still here? Did the symptoms still linger? Would he keep hearing voices... seeing things? How irritating if that was the case. The human body was the most interesting piece of machine, yet it had such flaws such as these. It made a nice little debate if that was what made a human or not. If it was worth having all those little flaws. Perhaps it was. It sucked though when someone had such a huge flaw in their design. The blonde kept others in sight just so he knew where he was going. And have some sort of familiarity, though didn't keep his eyes trained on them nor really came close to them. Keeping himself at a safe distance. It wasn't just for himself, though that was a big part of it. But he himself was unsure what he was capable of and what this might make him do. There was the issue of side effects, and the effects his internal turmoil had. Especially on some members. Emotions. Another sometimes annoying factor, yet a needed one. Control. He had to have control. Even in this situation.