Name: Abigail "Abbey" McHenry Age: 26 Appearance: Abbey is an pretty looking young woman with dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. She is pale skinned and of average build. She stands at 5'8'' and weights about 127 lbs. She has an oval face, a small nose and plump lips. She doesn't typically wear make-up unless she is going somewhere fancy, like to a show or to church. She is usually seen smiling as she has a gentle outlook on life. She typically wears dresses in either blue or pink and has sensible work boots she wears. When she goes out she wears fancier dresses in black or red and has women's flat shoes. Her hair is parted on the left side and is really long, but usually tied up. She does have bangs. Her ears are kind of big, bigger compared to everything else, she doesn't like that. Personality: Abbey is a kind-hearted young woman with a soft spot for animals. She is kind and courteous to everyone she meets, but is naive to many things outside of the working farm life. In intense situations, she is strong-willed and driven, but only if the situation demands it. She enjoys learning and is very well read for a farm girl, having been taught to read and write. She enjoys the outdoors and loves strolling around when she is not working. She doesn't enjoy thunderstorms or bugs, despite her love of the outdoors and she doesn't enjoy eating many vegetables, she prefers fruits and grains most, and of course the occasional sweet. She also enjoys dancing in secret and has a habit of whistling while she works, because she enjoys listening to music on her off hours. History: Abigail was born the only girl on the McHenry farmstead, and the youngest to boot. Her parents were happy to finally have a girl, but worried at the same time. As Abigail grew older, she grew a fondness for the animals on her parent's farm. She loved milking the cows, gathering eggs from the chickens, and feeding the horses. While her brothers did the hard labor, she would do household chores for her mother, who was getting weaker. She did the cooking and cleaning, and whenever her brother's got injured she would fix them up. As her father would say "Even a minute not working can put us back." Abigail also took to school and learning very well, reading a lot of books her parents bought her. Thinking nothing of it other than reading for fun, Abigail's interests grew outside of farming due to the stories she read. As Abigail reached the age of 18, her parents wondered what to do about her. They wanted her to stay home, but they knew she would want to move on and get married, perhaps start her own farm with her husband. They tried setting her up with some young men in the area, but Abigail found them boring and dull. She wanted more in a husband. Abigail heard of a farm needed help in Maine that needed farmhands for their work. Thinking she could make her own way there, she left home and traveled to Maine, where the Tackett family to see if they would hire her. She offered her skills with animals, medicine, cooking, and cleaning. This would be how she started her life. Until the disease came. Speech Color: [color=FFC0CB]This color[/color] Traits: [b]Intelligent[/b] - You are well-read and knowledgeable [b]Clean-Cut[/b] - You are attractive [b]Medic[/b] - You can perform first-aid such as stitching a wound [b]Weak[/b] - You are not as strong as most [b]Archer[/b] - You can effectively use a shortbow, longbow, or crossbow.