[center] Hello, my name is Kei! Recently my small RP group of four deflated due to some problems and as of last week is no longer going to continue. So, here I am, looking for some 1x1 roleplays or possibly another small group to RP with. I'll be adding plots and some more stuff to this later. I don't know why I thought writing this out before I go to bed was a good idea, butcha' know... Just a warning, things are sorta'[sub] very[/sub] disorganized. [h3][color=f7941d][b] About[/b][/color][/h3] Over 18! Anime/Manga nerd. Works a somewhat demanding job. Likes birds and outer-space and stuff. Insanely accommodating. Enjoys chatting frequently about IC and OOC stuff. Is a complete sucker for things fluffy and violent. Relatively shy at first, but give me some time to warm up to you. Is downright terrible at introductions, if you didn't [i]notice[/i]. [h3][color=f7941d][b]Writing[/b][/color][/h3] No limits. Highly prefers MxM. Will consider MxF if I like the plot/idea enough. Doesn't mind doubling, side characters are fun. Romance is 100% alright as long as it isn't the main focus of the RP. Platonic love in RP is fun too. Writes anywhere from two solid paragraphs to fifteen or more. One-liners [i](from me)[/i] do not exist. Not even in dialog or 'quick' scenes. Grammar is usually good and decent. [h3][color=f7941d][b]Interests[/b][/color][/h3] [u]Something not listed? Just ask![/u] Ex-Chosen Ones Criminals for Justice Time Traveling/Alternate Universes Omegaverse [i](Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics in general)[/i] Werewolves Merfolk Virtual Reality Post-Apocalyptic Magical School Superpowers Soulmates (Marks/Timers) Rivals I strictly do [b]OC's for Fandoms[/b]. Sorry folks. I just don't quite have the confidence to write an already written character well enough for an RP. [hider=Fandom] Wolf's Rain Soul Eater The Breaker: New Waves Legend of Korra James Cameron's Avatar One Piece [i](Still catching up on this!)[/i] Hunter x Hunter Tokyo Ghoul Mercy Thompson Universe Land of Lions Pacific Rim Zoids (Please. Oh my god, please Zoids.) [/hider] [hider=Pairings] Magical Weapon x Warrior/Knight Prince x Knight/Servant Prince x Thief-turned Knight/Bodyguard Shapeshifter x Normal Human Werewolf x Sacrificed Human[i](Or some other sacrificed creature)[/i] Forest Spirit x Human [sub][i](Kind of have a plot for this one. Kind of.)[/i][/sub] Dragon Rider x Dragon Rider Magical Being x Familiar Grim Reaper x Dying Person Thief x Thief [/hider] [color=ed1c24]Instead of contacting me here, PM me, please.[/color] [/center]