[h1][color=silver]Ferrin Astra[/color][/h1] Ferrin was brought to the present by a half-familliar voice. He cracked open one eye to glace at the newcomer. He blinked, legitimately confused. [color=silver]"I am sorry, but have we met?" [/color] He asked, cautiously. As he raked his brain to try to place the voice. [@Caits] [h1][color=9966cc]Valak Solidor[/color][/h1] Valak rose, long before the sun and set to taking care of his various weapons and armor, cleaning them of any rust or dirt, and sharping the weapons. Being magic, they generally held their edge well, but it was the principal of the thing. When he had finished he silently waited for the cute living plushie--er, Mithera, to wake. Her reaction was hilarious, but all it rung out of the solum and serious Valak was a small grin. To her odd request, he simply nodded. [color=9966cc]"How much?"[/color] He asked. [@Burthstone]