It would be a regular day like others but this time it was the start of school, Students started heading towards the school like they've done it before. which the regular students have, but this time the school was allowing students of other races attend, children who was born, or was turned into vampires and werewolves. Students received their class room an schedule from the office before heading to their class rooms. Charles would arrive and take his schedule, for it being his first day in a regular school, he is assigned to one of the A classes... 2-A to be specific. he would head to his class room, he would be dressed almost too professional, he has yet to get his school uniform so he wore what his parents wanted him to wear. (pretty much what's in his image) Classes went from 1st years #-A, 2nd years #-B, 3rd years #-C and 4th years #-D.